UTC Corporate (ed.). «Major systems content: Hamilton Sundstrand and the Airbus A380»(en inglés). Archivado desde el original el 6 de julio de 2009. Consultado el 8 de enero de 2010. «Ram Air Turbine (RAT): The RAT provides emergency power in the unlikely event of a complete loss of engine power. The A380 RAT is the largest ever built and features a 64-inch diameter propeller that is deployed into the air stream from the wing fairing to power its 70 kVA air-cooled generator.»
UTC Corporate (ed.). «Major systems content: Hamilton Sundstrand and the Airbus A380»(en inglés). Archivado desde el original el 6 de julio de 2009. Consultado el 8 de enero de 2010. «Ram Air Turbine (RAT): The RAT provides emergency power in the unlikely event of a complete loss of engine power. The A380 RAT is the largest ever built and features a 64-inch diameter propeller that is deployed into the air stream from the wing fairing to power its 70 kVA air-cooled generator.»