«中国台湾学者:藏传佛教活佛转世灵童认定必须通过“金瓶掣签”_文史_中国西藏网». www.tibet.cn. Consultado el 1 de diciembre de 2023. «The reincarnation of the fourth, fifth, sixth, and seventh Zhangjiahutuktu reincarnations were all produced by drawing lots from the Golden Urn in Lama Temple».
Liao Zugui, Chen Qingying, Zhou Wei. «廖祖桂、陈庆英、周炜:清朝金瓶掣签制度及其历史意义» [El sistema de selección de la urna dorada de la dinastía Qing y su importancia histórica]. www.tibetology.ac.cn(en chino). Consultado el 26 de noviembre de 2023. «This was an important measure taken by Emperor Qianlong to prevent the Mongol and Tibetan nobles, including Tibet, from taking advantage of the reincarnation of the living Buddha to seize religious power and to prevent the great lama from combining with Mongolian and Tibetan secular forces.»