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Guiraud-Vitaux, F.; Elbast, M.; Colas-Linhart, N.; Hindie, E. (febrero de 2008). «Thyroid cancer after Chernobyl: is iodine 131 the only culprit ? Impact on clinical practice». Bulletin du cancer95 (2): 191-5. PMID18304904. doi:10.1684/bdc.2008.0574.
Chattopadhyay, Sankha; Saha Das, Sujata (2010). «Recovery of 131I from alkaline solution of n-irradiated tellurium target using a tiny Dowex-1 column». Applied Radiation and Isotopes68 (10): 1967-9. PMID20471848. doi:10.1016/j.apradiso.2010.04.033.
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Woenckhaus, U.; Girlich, C. (2005). «Therapie und Prävention der Hyperthyreose» [Therapy and prevention of hyperthyroidism]. Der Internist(en alemán)46 (12): 1318-23. PMID16231171. doi:10.1007/s00108-005-1508-4.
Bartalena, L.; Brogioni, S; Grasso, L; Bogazzi, F; Burelli, A; Martino, E (1996). «Treatment of amiodarone-induced thyrotoxicosis, a difficult challenge: Results of a prospective study». Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism81 (8): 2930-3. PMID8768854. doi:10.1210/jc.81.8.2930.
Lawrence, J. E.; Lamm, S. H.; Pino, S.; Richman, K.; Braverman, L. E. (2000). «The Effect of Short-Term Low-Dose Perchlorate on Various Aspects of Thyroid Function». Thyroid10 (8): 659-63. PMID11014310. doi:10.1089/10507250050137734.