Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "2024. aasta üleujutused Kasahstanis ja Venemaal" in Estonian language version.
"Orenburgi hüdrometeoroloogiakeskuse andmetel on 12. aprillil kell 8.00 Uurali jõe veetase 11,29 meetrit. Kriitiline piir ületati 199 sentimeetriga," seisab teadaandes. Viimase ööpäevaga on jõe veetase tõusnud 69 sentimeetrit, märkis linnapea Sergei Salmin.
Kremlin: The worst is still to come for Kurgan and Tyumen
The governor of the North Kazakhstan region, Ghauez Nurmukhambetov, issued a statement on April 10 warning that "a huge amount of water is coming" to the region via the Esil River and will reach the regional capital, Petropavl, and dozens of local towns and villages in "a day or two."