Фасмер М. [http://dic.academic.ru/dic.nsf/vasmer/35265/арменияЭтимологический словарь русского языка, Прогресс 1964, kd 1, lk 87: "Арме́ния, vanakreeks sõnast Ἀρμενία. Juba vanapärsia Armaniya-, Armina- 'Armeenia'; vt Бартоломэ, Air. Wb. 197; Хюбшман, IF 16, 205. Vt армяни́н.
Shengavit, Shengavit a Kura Araxes Culture Site in Yerevan on the Ararat hills, Republic of Armenia. In those trenches he (Hakop Simonyan) isolated four distinct strata, the earliest from the late fifth millennium and the latest from the early to mid-third millennium BC.