Imelaps (Estonian Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Imelaps" in Estonian language version.

Global rank Estonian rank
2nd place
16th place
731st place
558th place
5th place
76th place
149th place
130th place
54th place
195th place
209th place
315th place
7th place
61st place

  • Rose, Lacey (2. märts 2007). "Whiz Kids". Forbes. Vaadatud 3. aprill 2015. At the moment, the most widely accepted definition is a child, typically under the age of 10, who has mastered a challenging skill at the level of an adult professional.

  • Feldman, David H.; Morelock, M. J. (2011). "Prodigies". Runco, Mark A.; Pritzker, Steven R. (toim-d). Encyclopedia of Creativity (Second Edition). Academic Press. Lk 261–265. DOI:10.1016/B978-0-12-375038-9.00182-5. ISBN 978-0-12-375038-9. Vaadatud 8. aprillil 2015. For the purposes of this and future research, a prodigy was defined as a child younger than 10 years of age who has reached the level of a highly trained professional in a demanding area of endeavor. {{cite encyclopedia}}: eiran tundmatut parameetrit |laydate=, kasuta parameetrit (|lay-date=) (juhend); eiran tundmatut parameetrit |laysummary=, kasuta parameetrit (|lay-url=) (juhend); viite koodis on kasutusel iganenud parameeter |lay-url= (juhend); välislink kohas |laysummary= (juhend) Mall:Subscription or libraries