Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Ingvar Villido" in Estonian language version.
At one point I had to make a choice – to dedicate myself either to business or teaching, as it was not possible anymore to uphold these two together. I asked for advice from my students and they wished that I would dedicate myself to teaching them and they promised to support financially. Such a relation of interdependence is there also today.
Täna on temast Ingvar Villido kõrval saanud teine inimene Eestis, kes teadliku muutuse kunsti ka teistele, eelkõige just kaasettevõtjatele ise edasi õpetab.
Enesemuutmise kunsti all tuntuks saanud Teadliku Muutuse Kunst I-V kursuste sari ongi selle lünga täitmiseks