Table 0a (kõik üliõpilased asutuste kaupa, aastatel 2005/06). Higher Education Statistics Agency. Vaadatud 15.07.2007. Erinevates allüksustes Birkbeck, University of London 19 020, Central School of Speech and Drama 950, Courtauld Institute of Art 395, Goldsmiths, University of London 7615, Imperial College London 12 665, Institute of Cancer Research 235, Institute of Education 7215, King's College London 21 755, London Business School 1455, London School of Economics 8810, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine 975, Queen Mary, University of London 11 625, Royal Academy of Music 730, Royal Holloway 7620, Royal Veterinary College 1610, School of Oriental and African Studies 4525, The School of Pharmacy 1355, St George's 3785, University College London 21 620, muud kesksed instituudid ja tegevused 430. Heythrop College on erakapitalil ja ei kajastu HESA statistikas, kooli andmetel on neid 700.Prospective Students. Heythrop College. Vaadatud 17.07.2007. Imperial College London oli väljaspool ülikooli aastatel 2005-2006.
About us. University of London External System. Vaadatud 15.07.2007.
Table 0a (kõik üliõpilased asutuste kaupa, aastatel 2005/06). Higher Education Statistics Agency. Vaadatud 15.07.2007. Erinevates allüksustes Birkbeck, University of London 19 020, Central School of Speech and Drama 950, Courtauld Institute of Art 395, Goldsmiths, University of London 7615, Imperial College London 12 665, Institute of Cancer Research 235, Institute of Education 7215, King's College London 21 755, London Business School 1455, London School of Economics 8810, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine 975, Queen Mary, University of London 11 625, Royal Academy of Music 730, Royal Holloway 7620, Royal Veterinary College 1610, School of Oriental and African Studies 4525, The School of Pharmacy 1355, St George's 3785, University College London 21 620, muud kesksed instituudid ja tegevused 430. Heythrop College on erakapitalil ja ei kajastu HESA statistikas, kooli andmetel on neid 700.Prospective Students. Heythrop College. Vaadatud 17.07.2007. Imperial College London oli väljaspool ülikooli aastatel 2005-2006.