See for example Richelson, Jeffery T.. (1997). A Century of Spies: Intelligence in the Twentieth Century. New York: Oxford University Press, 296 or.. and Hartcup, Guy. (2000). The Effect of Science on the Second World War. Basingstoke, Hampshire: Macmillan Press, 96–99 or..
A number of sources state that Winston Churchill said that Turing made the single biggest contribution to Allied victory in the war against Nazi Germany. Whilst it may be a defensible claim, both the Churchill Centre and Turing's biographer Andrew Hodges have stated they know of no documentary evidence to support it, nor the date or context in which Churchill supposedly made it, and the Churchill Centre lists it among their Churchill 'Myths', see Schilling, Jonathan. (8 January 2015). «Myths > Churchill Said Turing Made the Single Biggest Contribution to Allied Victory»International Churchill Society (The Churchill Centre). eta Hodges, Andrew. Part 4: The Relay Race. Update to Alan Turing: The Enigma. Churchill-en aldarrikapena errepikatzen zuen BBC Newsen profil-pieza bat aldatu dute, horren frogarik ez dagoela esateko. Ikus Spencer, Clare. (11 September 2009). «Profile: Alan Turing»BBC News. Harry Hinsley gerrako historialari ofizialak kalkulatu zuen lan horrek Europako gerra bi urte baino gehiago laburtu zuela, baina ohartarazpena gehitu zuen esanez: horrek ez zuela kontuan hartu bonba atomikoaren erabilera eta beste gertakari batzuek. Hinsley, Harry. (1996). The Influence of ULTRA in the Second World War. Keith Lockstone's home page. Transcript of a lecture given on Tuesday 19 October 1993 at Cambridge University
A number of sources state that Winston Churchill said that Turing made the single biggest contribution to Allied victory in the war against Nazi Germany. Whilst it may be a defensible claim, both the Churchill Centre and Turing's biographer Andrew Hodges have stated they know of no documentary evidence to support it, nor the date or context in which Churchill supposedly made it, and the Churchill Centre lists it among their Churchill 'Myths', see Schilling, Jonathan. (8 January 2015). «Myths > Churchill Said Turing Made the Single Biggest Contribution to Allied Victory»International Churchill Society (The Churchill Centre). eta Hodges, Andrew. Part 4: The Relay Race. Update to Alan Turing: The Enigma. Churchill-en aldarrikapena errepikatzen zuen BBC Newsen profil-pieza bat aldatu dute, horren frogarik ez dagoela esateko. Ikus Spencer, Clare. (11 September 2009). «Profile: Alan Turing»BBC News. Harry Hinsley gerrako historialari ofizialak kalkulatu zuen lan horrek Europako gerra bi urte baino gehiago laburtu zuela, baina ohartarazpena gehitu zuen esanez: horrek ez zuela kontuan hartu bonba atomikoaren erabilera eta beste gertakari batzuek. Hinsley, Harry. (1996). The Influence of ULTRA in the Second World War. Keith Lockstone's home page. Transcript of a lecture given on Tuesday 19 October 1993 at Cambridge University
(Ingelesez)Milinkovitch, Michel C.; Jahanbakhsh, Ebrahim; Zakany, Szabolcs. (16 October 2023). «The Unreasonable Effectiveness of Reaction Diffusion in Vertebrate Skin Color Patterning» Annual Review of Cell and Developmental Biology 39 (1): 145–174. doi:10.1146/annurev-cellbio-120319-024414. ISSN1081-0706. PMID37843926..
(Ingelesez)Milinkovitch, Michel C.; Jahanbakhsh, Ebrahim; Zakany, Szabolcs. (16 October 2023). «The Unreasonable Effectiveness of Reaction Diffusion in Vertebrate Skin Color Patterning» Annual Review of Cell and Developmental Biology 39 (1): 145–174. doi:10.1146/annurev-cellbio-120319-024414. ISSN1081-0706. PMID37843926..
Gray, Paul. «Alan Turing»Time Magazine's Most Important People of the Century: 2..
A number of sources state that Winston Churchill said that Turing made the single biggest contribution to Allied victory in the war against Nazi Germany. Whilst it may be a defensible claim, both the Churchill Centre and Turing's biographer Andrew Hodges have stated they know of no documentary evidence to support it, nor the date or context in which Churchill supposedly made it, and the Churchill Centre lists it among their Churchill 'Myths', see Schilling, Jonathan. (8 January 2015). «Myths > Churchill Said Turing Made the Single Biggest Contribution to Allied Victory»International Churchill Society (The Churchill Centre). eta Hodges, Andrew. Part 4: The Relay Race. Update to Alan Turing: The Enigma. Churchill-en aldarrikapena errepikatzen zuen BBC Newsen profil-pieza bat aldatu dute, horren frogarik ez dagoela esateko. Ikus Spencer, Clare. (11 September 2009). «Profile: Alan Turing»BBC News. Harry Hinsley gerrako historialari ofizialak kalkulatu zuen lan horrek Europako gerra bi urte baino gehiago laburtu zuela, baina ohartarazpena gehitu zuen esanez: horrek ez zuela kontuan hartu bonba atomikoaren erabilera eta beste gertakari batzuek. Hinsley, Harry. (1996). The Influence of ULTRA in the Second World War. Keith Lockstone's home page. Transcript of a lecture given on Tuesday 19 October 1993 at Cambridge University
A number of sources state that Winston Churchill said that Turing made the single biggest contribution to Allied victory in the war against Nazi Germany. Whilst it may be a defensible claim, both the Churchill Centre and Turing's biographer Andrew Hodges have stated they know of no documentary evidence to support it, nor the date or context in which Churchill supposedly made it, and the Churchill Centre lists it among their Churchill 'Myths', see Schilling, Jonathan. (8 January 2015). «Myths > Churchill Said Turing Made the Single Biggest Contribution to Allied Victory»International Churchill Society (The Churchill Centre). eta Hodges, Andrew. Part 4: The Relay Race. Update to Alan Turing: The Enigma. Churchill-en aldarrikapena errepikatzen zuen BBC Newsen profil-pieza bat aldatu dute, horren frogarik ez dagoela esateko. Ikus Spencer, Clare. (11 September 2009). «Profile: Alan Turing»BBC News. Harry Hinsley gerrako historialari ofizialak kalkulatu zuen lan horrek Europako gerra bi urte baino gehiago laburtu zuela, baina ohartarazpena gehitu zuen esanez: horrek ez zuela kontuan hartu bonba atomikoaren erabilera eta beste gertakari batzuek. Hinsley, Harry. (1996). The Influence of ULTRA in the Second World War. Keith Lockstone's home page. Transcript of a lecture given on Tuesday 19 October 1993 at Cambridge University
(Ingelesez)Milinkovitch, Michel C.; Jahanbakhsh, Ebrahim; Zakany, Szabolcs. (16 October 2023). «The Unreasonable Effectiveness of Reaction Diffusion in Vertebrate Skin Color Patterning» Annual Review of Cell and Developmental Biology 39 (1): 145–174. doi:10.1146/annurev-cellbio-120319-024414. ISSN1081-0706. PMID37843926..