Jane Richardson (Basque Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Jane Richardson" in Basque language version.

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6,551st place
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373rd place
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  • Kosara, Robert. (noviembre-diciembre de 2008). «Structures Smaller than Light» American Scientist 96 (6): 498.  doi:10.1511/2008.75.498..
  • Richardson J.S., Richardson D.C.. (2012). «Studying and Polishing the PDB's Macromolecules» Biopolymers 99: 170–182.  doi:10.1002/bip.22108. OCLC .3535681 PMID 23023928..
  • Richardson J.S., Thomas K.A., Rubin B.H., Richardson D.C.. (1975). «Crystal Structure of Bovine Cu,Zn Superoxide Dismutase at 3Å Resolution: Chain Tracing and Metal Ligands» Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 72: 1349–1353.  doi:10.1073/pnas.72.4.1349. OCLC .432531 PMID 1055410..
  • Richardson, Jane S.. (11 de agosto de 1977). «β-sheet topology and the relatedness of proteins» Nature 268 (5620): 495-500.  doi:10.1038/268495a0. PMID 329147..
  • Richardson J.S., Richardson D.C.. (2013). «Doing molecular biophysics: Finding, naming, and picturing signal within complexity» Annual Review of Biophysics 42: 1-28.  doi:10.1146/annurev-biophys-083012-130353. OCLC .3695750 PMID 23451888..
  • Richardson J.S., Richardson D.C.. (1989). «The De Novo Design of Protein Structures» Trends in Biochemical Science 14 (7): 304-309.  doi:10.1016/0968-0004(89)90070-4. PMID 2672455..
  • Richardson D.C., Richardson J.S.. (enero de 1992). «The Kinemage: A Tool for Scientific Illustration» Protein Science 1 (1): 3-9.  doi:10.1002/pro.5560010102. OCLC .2142077 PMID 1304880..
  • Richardson J.S., Schneider B., Murray L.W., Kapral G.J., Immormino R.M., Headd J.J., Richardson D.C., Ham D., Hershkovits E., Williams L.D., Keating K.S., Pyle A.M., Micallef D., Westbrook J., Berman H.M.. (2008). «RNA Backbone: Consensus All-angle Conformers and Modular String Nomenclature (an RNA Ontology Consortium contribution)» RNA 14 (3): 465–481.  doi:10.1261/rna.657708. OCLC .2248255 PMID 18192612..
  • Keedy D.A., Williams C.J., Headd J.J., Arendall W.B. III, Chen V.B., Kapral G.J., Gillespie R.M., Block J.N., Zemla A., Richardson D.C., Richardson J.S.. (2009). «The other 90% of the protein: Assessment beyond the Cαs for CASP8 template-based and high-accuracy models» Proteins : Structure, Function, and Bioinformatics 77: 29–49.  doi:10.1002/prot.22551. OCLC .2877634 PMID 19731372..
  • Adams P.D., Afonine P.V., Bunkóczi G., Chen V.B., Davis I.W., Echols N., Headd J.J., Hung L.-W., Kapral G.J., Grosse-Kunstleve R.W., McCoy A.J., Moriarty N.W., Oeffner R., Read R.J., Richardson D.C., Richardson J.S., Terwilliger T.C., Zwart P.H.. (2010). «PHENIX: a comprehensive Python-based system for macromolecular structure solution» Acta Crystallographica D 66 (Pt 1): 12–21.  doi:10.1107/S0907444909052925. OCLC .2815670 PMID 20124702..
  • Chen V.B., Arendall W.B. III, Headd J.J., Keedy D.A., Immormino R.M., Kapral G.J., Murray L.W., Richardson J.S., Richardson D.C.. (2010). «MolProbity: all-atom structure validation for macromolecular crystallography» Acta Crystallographica D 66 (Pt 1): 213–221.  doi:10.1107/S0907444909042073. OCLC .2803126 PMID 20057044..
  • Read R.J., Adams P.D., Arendall W.B. III, Brunger A.T., Emsley P., Joosten R.P., Kleywegt G.J., Krissinel E.B., Lütteke T., Otwinowski Z., Perrakis A., Richardson J.S., Sheffler W.H., Smith J.L., Tickle I.J., Vriend G., Zwart P.H.. (2011). «A New Generation of Crystallographic Validation Tools for the Protein Data Bank» Structure 19: 1395–1412.  doi:10.1016/j.str.2011.08.006. OCLC .3195755 PMID 22000512..
  • Montelione G.T., Nilges M., Bax A., Guntert P., Herrmann T., Richardson J.S., Schwieters C., Vranken W.F., Vuister G.W., Wishart D.S., Berman H.M., Kleywegt G.J., Markley J.L.. (2013). «Recommendations of the NMR Structure Validation Task Force» Structure 21: 1563–1570.  doi:10.1016/j.str.2013.07.021. OCLC .3884077 PMID 24010715..







  • Richardson J.S., Richardson D.C.. (2012). «Studying and Polishing the PDB's Macromolecules» Biopolymers 99: 170–182.  doi:10.1002/bip.22108. OCLC .3535681 PMID 23023928..
  • Richardson J.S., Thomas K.A., Rubin B.H., Richardson D.C.. (1975). «Crystal Structure of Bovine Cu,Zn Superoxide Dismutase at 3Å Resolution: Chain Tracing and Metal Ligands» Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 72: 1349–1353.  doi:10.1073/pnas.72.4.1349. OCLC .432531 PMID 1055410..
  • Richardson, Jane S.. (11 de agosto de 1977). «β-sheet topology and the relatedness of proteins» Nature 268 (5620): 495-500.  doi:10.1038/268495a0. PMID 329147..
  • Richardson J.S., Richardson D.C.. (2013). «Doing molecular biophysics: Finding, naming, and picturing signal within complexity» Annual Review of Biophysics 42: 1-28.  doi:10.1146/annurev-biophys-083012-130353. OCLC .3695750 PMID 23451888..
  • Richardson J.S., Richardson D.C.. (1989). «The De Novo Design of Protein Structures» Trends in Biochemical Science 14 (7): 304-309.  doi:10.1016/0968-0004(89)90070-4. PMID 2672455..
  • Richardson D.C., Richardson J.S.. (enero de 1992). «The Kinemage: A Tool for Scientific Illustration» Protein Science 1 (1): 3-9.  doi:10.1002/pro.5560010102. OCLC .2142077 PMID 1304880..
  • Richardson J.S., Schneider B., Murray L.W., Kapral G.J., Immormino R.M., Headd J.J., Richardson D.C., Ham D., Hershkovits E., Williams L.D., Keating K.S., Pyle A.M., Micallef D., Westbrook J., Berman H.M.. (2008). «RNA Backbone: Consensus All-angle Conformers and Modular String Nomenclature (an RNA Ontology Consortium contribution)» RNA 14 (3): 465–481.  doi:10.1261/rna.657708. OCLC .2248255 PMID 18192612..
  • Keedy D.A., Williams C.J., Headd J.J., Arendall W.B. III, Chen V.B., Kapral G.J., Gillespie R.M., Block J.N., Zemla A., Richardson D.C., Richardson J.S.. (2009). «The other 90% of the protein: Assessment beyond the Cαs for CASP8 template-based and high-accuracy models» Proteins : Structure, Function, and Bioinformatics 77: 29–49.  doi:10.1002/prot.22551. OCLC .2877634 PMID 19731372..
  • Adams P.D., Afonine P.V., Bunkóczi G., Chen V.B., Davis I.W., Echols N., Headd J.J., Hung L.-W., Kapral G.J., Grosse-Kunstleve R.W., McCoy A.J., Moriarty N.W., Oeffner R., Read R.J., Richardson D.C., Richardson J.S., Terwilliger T.C., Zwart P.H.. (2010). «PHENIX: a comprehensive Python-based system for macromolecular structure solution» Acta Crystallographica D 66 (Pt 1): 12–21.  doi:10.1107/S0907444909052925. OCLC .2815670 PMID 20124702..
  • Chen V.B., Arendall W.B. III, Headd J.J., Keedy D.A., Immormino R.M., Kapral G.J., Murray L.W., Richardson J.S., Richardson D.C.. (2010). «MolProbity: all-atom structure validation for macromolecular crystallography» Acta Crystallographica D 66 (Pt 1): 213–221.  doi:10.1107/S0907444909042073. OCLC .2803126 PMID 20057044..
  • Read R.J., Adams P.D., Arendall W.B. III, Brunger A.T., Emsley P., Joosten R.P., Kleywegt G.J., Krissinel E.B., Lütteke T., Otwinowski Z., Perrakis A., Richardson J.S., Sheffler W.H., Smith J.L., Tickle I.J., Vriend G., Zwart P.H.. (2011). «A New Generation of Crystallographic Validation Tools for the Protein Data Bank» Structure 19: 1395–1412.  doi:10.1016/j.str.2011.08.006. OCLC .3195755 PMID 22000512..
  • Montelione G.T., Nilges M., Bax A., Guntert P., Herrmann T., Richardson J.S., Schwieters C., Vranken W.F., Vuister G.W., Wishart D.S., Berman H.M., Kleywegt G.J., Markley J.L.. (2013). «Recommendations of the NMR Structure Validation Task Force» Structure 21: 1563–1570.  doi:10.1016/j.str.2013.07.021. OCLC .3884077 PMID 24010715..





  • Richardson J.S., Richardson D.C.. (2012). «Studying and Polishing the PDB's Macromolecules» Biopolymers 99: 170–182.  doi:10.1002/bip.22108. OCLC .3535681 PMID 23023928..
  • Richardson J.S., Thomas K.A., Rubin B.H., Richardson D.C.. (1975). «Crystal Structure of Bovine Cu,Zn Superoxide Dismutase at 3Å Resolution: Chain Tracing and Metal Ligands» Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 72: 1349–1353.  doi:10.1073/pnas.72.4.1349. OCLC .432531 PMID 1055410..
  • Richardson J.S., Richardson D.C.. (2013). «Doing molecular biophysics: Finding, naming, and picturing signal within complexity» Annual Review of Biophysics 42: 1-28.  doi:10.1146/annurev-biophys-083012-130353. OCLC .3695750 PMID 23451888..
  • Richardson D.C., Richardson J.S.. (enero de 1992). «The Kinemage: A Tool for Scientific Illustration» Protein Science 1 (1): 3-9.  doi:10.1002/pro.5560010102. OCLC .2142077 PMID 1304880..
  • Richardson J.S., Schneider B., Murray L.W., Kapral G.J., Immormino R.M., Headd J.J., Richardson D.C., Ham D., Hershkovits E., Williams L.D., Keating K.S., Pyle A.M., Micallef D., Westbrook J., Berman H.M.. (2008). «RNA Backbone: Consensus All-angle Conformers and Modular String Nomenclature (an RNA Ontology Consortium contribution)» RNA 14 (3): 465–481.  doi:10.1261/rna.657708. OCLC .2248255 PMID 18192612..
  • Keedy D.A., Williams C.J., Headd J.J., Arendall W.B. III, Chen V.B., Kapral G.J., Gillespie R.M., Block J.N., Zemla A., Richardson D.C., Richardson J.S.. (2009). «The other 90% of the protein: Assessment beyond the Cαs for CASP8 template-based and high-accuracy models» Proteins : Structure, Function, and Bioinformatics 77: 29–49.  doi:10.1002/prot.22551. OCLC .2877634 PMID 19731372..
  • Adams P.D., Afonine P.V., Bunkóczi G., Chen V.B., Davis I.W., Echols N., Headd J.J., Hung L.-W., Kapral G.J., Grosse-Kunstleve R.W., McCoy A.J., Moriarty N.W., Oeffner R., Read R.J., Richardson D.C., Richardson J.S., Terwilliger T.C., Zwart P.H.. (2010). «PHENIX: a comprehensive Python-based system for macromolecular structure solution» Acta Crystallographica D 66 (Pt 1): 12–21.  doi:10.1107/S0907444909052925. OCLC .2815670 PMID 20124702..
  • Chen V.B., Arendall W.B. III, Headd J.J., Keedy D.A., Immormino R.M., Kapral G.J., Murray L.W., Richardson J.S., Richardson D.C.. (2010). «MolProbity: all-atom structure validation for macromolecular crystallography» Acta Crystallographica D 66 (Pt 1): 213–221.  doi:10.1107/S0907444909042073. OCLC .2803126 PMID 20057044..
  • Read R.J., Adams P.D., Arendall W.B. III, Brunger A.T., Emsley P., Joosten R.P., Kleywegt G.J., Krissinel E.B., Lütteke T., Otwinowski Z., Perrakis A., Richardson J.S., Sheffler W.H., Smith J.L., Tickle I.J., Vriend G., Zwart P.H.. (2011). «A New Generation of Crystallographic Validation Tools for the Protein Data Bank» Structure 19: 1395–1412.  doi:10.1016/j.str.2011.08.006. OCLC .3195755 PMID 22000512..
  • Montelione G.T., Nilges M., Bax A., Guntert P., Herrmann T., Richardson J.S., Schwieters C., Vranken W.F., Vuister G.W., Wishart D.S., Berman H.M., Kleywegt G.J., Markley J.L.. (2013). «Recommendations of the NMR Structure Validation Task Force» Structure 21: 1563–1570.  doi:10.1016/j.str.2013.07.021. OCLC .3884077 PMID 24010715..