Mila Neishtadt. 'The Lexical Substrate of Aramaic in Palestinian Arabic,' in Aaron Butts (ed.) Semitic Languages in Contact,BRILL 2015 pp.281-282:'As in other cases of language shift, the supplanting language (Arabic) was not left untouched by the supplanted language (Aramaic) and the existence of an Aramaic substrate in Syro-Palestinian colloquial Arabic has been widely accepted. The influence of the Aramaic substrate is especially evidence in many Palestinian place names, and in the vocabularies of traditional life and industrials: agriculture, flora, fauna, food, tools, utensils etc.'
Agmon, Noam. (2022-08-31). «Tatami: the enigmatic toponym of Western Judah, and use of suffixes in dating toponyms» Palestine Exploration Quarterly: 1–27. doi:10.1080/00310328.2022.2109320. ISSN0031-0328..
Agmon, Noam. (2022-08-31). «Tatami: the enigmatic toponym of Western Judah, and use of suffixes in dating toponyms» Palestine Exploration Quarterly: 1–27. doi:10.1080/00310328.2022.2109320. ISSN0031-0328..