里約奧運射箭名單出爐 男子3人全新出擊 Three rookies were named to the men's archery team for the Rio Olympics. (Txineraz) TaiwanApple Daily 2016-02-26. 2016-06-15an begiratua.
里约奥运》射箭个人赛登场 魏均珩止步32强 Rio Olympics: Archer Wei Chun-heng ends his debut in the individual round of 32.(Txineraz)China Times 2016-08-08. 2017-02-18an begiratua.
里約奧運射箭名單出爐 男子3人全新出擊 Three rookies were named to the men's archery team for the Rio Olympics. (Txineraz) TaiwanApple Daily 2016-02-26. 2016-06-15an begiratua.
里约奥运》射箭个人赛登场 魏均珩止步32强 Rio Olympics: Archer Wei Chun-heng ends his debut in the individual round of 32.(Txineraz)China Times 2016-08-08. 2017-02-18an begiratua.