HMAC (Persian Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "HMAC" in Persian language version.

Global rank Persian rank
1st place
1st place
207th place
287th place
8,888th place
low place
214th place
1,769th place
1,933rd place
1,912th place
5,032nd place
low place

  • IETF (February 1997). "RFC 2104". Retrieved 2009-12-03. The strongest attack known against HMAC is based on the frequency of collisions for the hash function H («birthday attack») [PV,BCK2], and is totally impractical for minimally reasonable hash functions.

  • Bellare, Mihir; Canetti, Ran; Krawczyk, Hugo (1996). "Keying Hash Functions for Message Authentication".{{cite web}}: نگهداری CS1: پست اسکریپت (link)
  • Preneel, Bart; van Oorschot, Paul C. (1995). "MDx-MAC and Building Fast MACs from Hash Functions". Archived from the original on 4 June 2010. Retrieved 2009-08-28.{{cite web}}: نگهداری CS1: پست اسکریپت (link)
  • Preneel, Bart; van Oorschot, Paul C. (1995). "On the Security of Two MAC Algorithms". Archived from the original on 23 February 2009. Retrieved 2009-08-28.{{cite web}}: نگهداری CS1: پست اسکریپت (link)

  • Bruce Schneier (August 2005). "SHA-1 Broken". Retrieved 2009-01-09. although it doesn't affect applications such as HMAC where collisions aren't important

  • Bellare, Mihir (June 2006). "New Proofs for NMAC and HMAC: Security without Collision-Resistance". In Dwork, Cynthia (ed.). Advances in Cryptology – Crypto 2006 Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4117. Springer-Verlag. Archived from the original on 16 July 2011. Retrieved 2010-05-25. This paper proves that HMAC is a PRF under the sole assumption that the compression function is a PRF. This recovers a proof based guarantee since no known attacks compromise the pseudorandomness of the compression function, and it also helps explain the resistance-to-attack that HMAC has shown even when implemented with hash functions whose (weak) collision resistance is compromised. {{cite conference}}: نگهداری یادکرد:تاریخ و سال (link)