"安倍元首相の奈良入り「一般への周知はしていない」 自民県連が会見" [LDP Prefecture Chapter Interview: Former Prime Minister Abe's Nara schedule was not generally known]. 朝日新聞デジタル (به ژاپنی). 2022-07-08. Archived from the original on 8 July 2022. Retrieved 2022-07-08.
"安倍元首相の奈良入り「一般への周知はしていない」 自民県連が会見" [LDP Prefecture Chapter Interview: Former Prime Minister Abe's Nara schedule was not generally known]. 朝日新聞デジタル (به ژاپنی). 2022-07-08. Archived from the original on 8 July 2022. Retrieved 2022-07-08.
"参院選 自民党・松山三四六候補が不倫の末、中絶同意書に偽名で署名していた" [House of Councilors LDP candidate Sanshirou Matsuyama had an affair, signed letter of consent for an abortion with false name]. 文春オンライン (به ژاپنی). 2022-07-06. Archived from the original on 7 July 2022. Retrieved 2022-07-07.
"自民ものまねタレントに「900万円踏み倒し」の過去 法廷で偽証を求められた知人が告発" [LDP impersonator is accused of soliciting false testimony from an acquaintance in case of previous 9 million yen debt]. デイリー新潮 (به ژاپنی). 2022-07-06. Archived from the original on 8 July 2022. Retrieved 2022-07-07.
"自民党奈良県連「脅しみたいのはこれまでなかった」" [LDP's Nara Prefecture chapter: "The apparent threat up to now is no more"]. FNNプライムオンライン (به ژاپنی). 2022-07-08. Archived from the original on 8 July 2022. Retrieved 2022-07-08.
"自民奈良県連が会見 "演説7日急きょ決定 開始直後に発砲"" [LDP Nara Prefecture Chapter Interview: Speech on the 7th decided upon suddenly, gunfire immediately after commencing]. NHK NEWS WEB (به ژاپنی). 2022-07-08. Archived from the original on 8 July 2022. Retrieved 2022-07-08.
"自民奈良県連が会見 "演説7日急きょ決定 開始直後に発砲"" [LDP Nara Prefecture Chapter Interview: Speech on the 7th decided upon suddenly, gunfire immediately after commencing]. NHK NEWS WEB (به ژاپنی). 2022-07-08. Archived from the original on 8 July 2022. Retrieved 2022-07-08.
"安倍元首相が松山氏の応援取りやめ 参院選長野県区 女性問題など週刊誌報道受け" [Former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe suspends support for Nagano district House of Councilors candidate Matsuyama over sexual/female scandals, per weekly news reports]. 信濃毎日新聞 (به ژاپنی). 2022-07-08. Archived from the original on 8 July 2022. Retrieved 2022-07-08.
"安倍氏は午後5時3分に死亡確認" [Mr. Abe confirmed dead at 5:03pm]. Kyodo News. 8 July 2022. Archived from the original on 8 July 2022. Retrieved 8 July 2022.
"参院選 自民党・松山三四六候補が不倫の末、中絶同意書に偽名で署名していた" [House of Councilors LDP candidate Sanshirou Matsuyama had an affair, signed letter of consent for an abortion with false name]. 文春オンライン (به ژاپنی). 2022-07-06. Archived from the original on 7 July 2022. Retrieved 2022-07-07.
"安倍元首相が松山氏の応援取りやめ 参院選長野県区 女性問題など週刊誌報道受け" [Former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe suspends support for Nagano district House of Councilors candidate Matsuyama over sexual/female scandals, per weekly news reports]. 信濃毎日新聞 (به ژاپنی). 2022-07-08. Archived from the original on 8 July 2022. Retrieved 2022-07-08.
"自民ものまねタレントに「900万円踏み倒し」の過去 法廷で偽証を求められた知人が告発" [LDP impersonator is accused of soliciting false testimony from an acquaintance in case of previous 9 million yen debt]. デイリー新潮 (به ژاپنی). 2022-07-06. Archived from the original on 8 July 2022. Retrieved 2022-07-07.
"自民党奈良県連「脅しみたいのはこれまでなかった」" [LDP's Nara Prefecture chapter: "The apparent threat up to now is no more"]. FNNプライムオンライン (به ژاپنی). 2022-07-08. Archived from the original on 8 July 2022. Retrieved 2022-07-08.
"安倍元首相の奈良入り「一般への周知はしていない」 自民県連が会見" [LDP Prefecture Chapter Interview: Former Prime Minister Abe's Nara schedule was not generally known]. 朝日新聞デジタル (به ژاپنی). 2022-07-08. Archived from the original on 8 July 2022. Retrieved 2022-07-08.
"自民奈良県連が会見 "演説7日急きょ決定 開始直後に発砲"" [LDP Nara Prefecture Chapter Interview: Speech on the 7th decided upon suddenly, gunfire immediately after commencing]. NHK NEWS WEB (به ژاپنی). 2022-07-08. Archived from the original on 8 July 2022. Retrieved 2022-07-08.
"自民奈良県連が会見 "演説7日急きょ決定 開始直後に発砲"" [LDP Nara Prefecture Chapter Interview: Speech on the 7th decided upon suddenly, gunfire immediately after commencing]. NHK NEWS WEB (به ژاپنی). 2022-07-08. Archived from the original on 8 July 2022. Retrieved 2022-07-08.
"安倍元首相の奈良入り「一般への周知はしていない」 自民県連が会見" [LDP Prefecture Chapter Interview: Former Prime Minister Abe's Nara schedule was not generally known]. 朝日新聞デジタル (به ژاپنی). 2022-07-08. Archived from the original on 8 July 2022. Retrieved 2022-07-08.