دوئل (فیلم ۱۹۷۱) (Persian Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "دوئل (فیلم ۱۹۷۱)" in Persian language version.

Global rank Persian rank
1st place
1st place
low place
8,382nd place
7th place
24th place
16th place
25th place


  • "Spielberg's brilliant feature debut is a textbook example of what an ambitious and talented young director can do with modest resources". Cinephiliabeyond.org. February 20, 2015. Archived from the original on February 21, 2015. Retrieved October 30, 2019. I think when you make an action film, especially a road picture, it's the best way to work, because it's very hard to pick up a script and sift through five hundred words of prose and then commit them to memory.




  • "Spielberg's brilliant feature debut is a textbook example of what an ambitious and talented young director can do with modest resources". Cinephiliabeyond.org. February 20, 2015. Archived from the original on February 21, 2015. Retrieved October 30, 2019. I think when you make an action film, especially a road picture, it's the best way to work, because it's very hard to pick up a script and sift through five hundred words of prose and then commit them to memory.
  • "Spielberg's Duel, Four Wheel Combat". The New York Times. April 15, 1983. Archived from the original on October 6, 2020. Retrieved October 30, 2019. Duel might almost have been a silent film, because it expresses so much through action and so little through the words that are here.