ETtoday. "網紅遊香港「找貓狗肉吃」!白目問:哪邊有妓女 港網友氣炸 | ETtoday新聞雲" [YouTube personality travels to Hong Kong "finding dog and cat meat to eat"! Asks "where are those prostitutes?" Angered Hong Kong netizens]. ETtoday新聞雲 (به چینی (تایوان)). Retrieved June 26, 2018.
卡洛兒 (June 23, 2018). "美國YouTuber遊港拍片 追問路人哪裏有妓女及狗 網民鬧爆侮辱" [American YouTuber vlogging in Hong Kong, asking strangers where are the prostitute and dogs at. Netizens saying that it was an insult.]. 香港01 (به چینی (هنگ کنگ)). Retrieved June 26, 2018.
"問「哪裏有狗或貓肉」 送出咬過一半雪條 美國網紅拍片涉侮辱香港人" [Asking "where are the dog and cat meat?", giving out half-eaten ice cream. American YouTuber vlogging, insulting Hong Kong people.]. 成報. Retrieved June 26, 2018.