سوچی (Persian Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "سوچی" in Persian language version.

Global rank Persian rank
1st place
1st place
low place
7,218th place
165th place
961st place
1,408th place
875th place



  • 80,000 of 138,572 (58%)
    • According to 2014 official estimates, the population of Adlersky City District is 138,572, see "Оценка численности населения на 1 января 2014 года по муниципальным образованиям Краснодарского края [Estimated population on January 1, 2014 by the municipalities of Krasnodar Region]" (به روسی). Russian Federal State Statistics Service. April 15, 2014. Archived from the original on June 14, 2014.





  • 80,000 of 138,572 (58%)
    • According to 2014 official estimates, the population of Adlersky City District is 138,572, see "Оценка численности населения на 1 января 2014 года по муниципальным образованиям Краснодарского края [Estimated population on January 1, 2014 by the municipalities of Krasnodar Region]" (به روسی). Russian Federal State Statistics Service. April 15, 2014. Archived from the original on June 14, 2014.
    • این شهر از جمله شهرهای ایران بود که در قرارداد ترکمنچای از ایران جدا شد. سوچی برای میزبانی مسابقات المپیک زمستانی 2014 انتخاب شد بایگانی‌شده در ۱۲ اوت ۲۰۰۷ توسط Wayback Machine (خبرگزاری نووستی)