مصرف همدستانه (Persian Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "مصرف همدستانه" in Persian language version.

Global rank Persian rank
2nd place
2nd place
69th place
253rd place
703rd place
827th place
6th place
9th place
61st place
101st place



  • Taeihagh, Araz (2017-06-19). "Crowdsourcing, Sharing Economies, and Development". Journal of Developing Societies. 33 (2): 191–222. arXiv:1707.06603. doi:10.1177/0169796x17710072.


  • Taeihagh, Araz (2017-06-19). "Crowdsourcing, Sharing Economies, and Development". Journal of Developing Societies. 33 (2): 191–222. arXiv:1707.06603. doi:10.1177/0169796x17710072.
  • Belk, Russell; Sherry, John; Wallendorf, Melanie (1988). "A naturalistic inquiry into buyer and elle behavior at a swap meet". Journal of Consumer Research. 14 (4): 449–470. doi:10.1086/209128.
  • Stone, Jonathan; Horne, Suzanne; Hibbert, Sally (1996). "Car boot sales: a study of shopping motives in an alternative retail format". International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management. 24 (11): 4. doi:10.1108/09590559610131682.


  • Ertz, Myriam; Durif, Fabien; Arcand, Manon (2016). "Collaborative consumption or the rise of the two-sided consumer". International Journal of Business and Management. 4 (6): 195–209. SSRN 2799886.

