نژاد آریایی (Persian Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "نژاد آریایی" in Persian language version.

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358th place
17th place
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2nd place
3,051st place
5,950th place
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5th place
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234th place
262nd place
40th place
28th place
low place
low place
360th place
534th place
1,295th place
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163rd place
148th place
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29th place
2,000th place
572nd place
287th place
172nd place
1,423rd place
492nd place
6,602nd place
3,077th place
low place
low place
26th place
72nd place
838th place
238th place
8th place
7th place
low place
321st place
low place
low place




  • H.W. Bailey, "Arya" in Encyclopædia Iranica. Excerpt: "ARYA an ethnic epithet in the Achaemenid inscriptions and in the Zoroastrian Avestan tradition. [۵] بایگانی‌شده در ۳ ژانویه ۲۰۱۳ توسط Archive.today Also accessed online in May, 2010.





  • Encyclopædia Britannica: " ...the Sanskrit term arya ("noble" or "distinguished"), the linguistic root of the word (Aryan)..." "It is now used in linguistics only in the sense of the term Indo-Aryan languages, a branch of the larger Indo-European language family" [۱]








  • G. Gnoli,"Iranic Identity as a Historical Problem: the Beginnings of a National Awareness under the Achaemenians", in The East and the Meaning of History. International Conference (23–27 November 1992), Roma, 1994, pp. 147–67. [۳]



  • Encyclopaedic dictionary of Vedic terms, Volume 1 By Swami Parmeshwaranand, pages 120 to 128 [۲]
  • Language History, Language Change, and Language Relationship by Hans Henrich Hock, Brian D. Joseph, 2009: "Aryan was extended to designate all Indo Europeans, under the false assumption that the Irish word Eire is cognate with ārya; and ill-founded theories about the racial identity of these Aryans... ", page 57 [۸]



  • Zwischen Barbarenklischee und Germanenmythos: eine Analyse österreichischer … by Elisabeth Monyk (2006), p. 31. [۹]


  • electricpulp.com. «IRANIAN IDENTITY ii. PRE-ISLAMIC PERIOD – Encyclopaedia Iranica». www.iranicaonline.org. دریافت‌شده در ۲۰۱۷-۰۱-۰۴. We also know, thanks to this very same inscription, that Ahura Mazdā was considered the “god of the Iranians” in passages of the Elamite version corresponding to DB IV 60 and 62 in the Old Persian version, whose language was called “Iranian” or ariya (DB IV, 88-89). Then again, the Avesta clearly uses airya as an ethnic name (Vd. 1; Yt. 13.143-44, etc.), where it appears in expressions such as airyāfi; daiŋˊhāvō “Iranian lands, peoples,” airyō. šayanəm“land inhabited by Iranians,” and airyanəm vaējō vaŋhuyāfi; dāityayāfi; “Iranian stretch of the good Dāityā,” the river Oxus, the modern Āmū Daryā (q.v. ; see ĒRĀN-WĒZ). There can be no doubt about the ethnic value of Old Iran. arya(Benveniste, 1969, I, pp. 369 f. ; Szemerényi; Kellens).
  • electricpulp.com. «ĒR, ĒR MAZDĒSN – Encyclopaedia Iranica». www.iranicaonline.org. دریافت‌شده در ۲۰۱۷-۰۱-۰۴. ĒR, ĒR MAZDĒSN (Inscr. Mid. Pers. ēr [ʾyly], plur. ērān [ʾylʾn, ʾyrʾn]), an ethnonym, like Old Persian ariya- and Avestan airya-, meaning “Aryan” or “Iranian. ”
  • electricpulp.com. «ARYA – Encyclopaedia Iranica». www.iranicaonline.org. بایگانی‌شده از اصلی در ۳ مارس ۲۰۱۶. دریافت‌شده در ۲۰۱۷-۰۱-۰۴. ARYA, an ethnic epithet in the Achaemenid inscriptions and in the Zoroastrian Avestan tradition. It is used in the Avesta of members of an ethnic group and contrasts with other named groups[…]in the past, the Medes had been called Arioi. The Greek use of Areia (Latin Aria) for Old Pers. Haraiva, Balōčī Harē(v), Arm. H(a)reu, was likely to cause confusion. The same ethnic concept was held in the later centuries
  • «ایرانیکا: آریایی».
  • «ایرانیکا: آریانا».
  • G. Gnoli, "IRANIAN IDENTITY ii. PRE-ISLAMIC PERIOD" in Encyclopædia Iranica. Online accessed in 2010 at [۴]
  • H.W. Bailey, "Arya" in Encyclopædia Iranica. Excerpt: "ARYA an ethnic epithet in the Achaemenid inscriptions and in the Zoroastrian Avestan tradition. [۵] بایگانی‌شده در ۳ ژانویه ۲۰۱۳ توسط Archive.today Also accessed online in May, 2010.
  • R. Schmitt, "Aryans" in Encyclopædia Iranica:Excerpt:"The name "Aryan" (OInd. āˊrya-, Ir. *arya- [with short a-], in Old Pers. ariya-, Av. airiia-, etc.) is the self designation of the peoples of Ancient India and Ancient Iran who spoke Aryan languages, in contrast to the "non-Aryan" peoples of those "Aryan" countries (cf. OInd. an-āˊrya-, Av. an-airiia-, etc.), and lives on in ethnic names like Alan (Lat. Alani, NPers. Īrān, Oss. Ir and Iron). Also accessed online: [۶] in May 2010
  • D.N. Mackenzie, "ĒRĀN, ĒRĀNŠAHR" in Encyclopædia Iranica. Accessed here in 2010: [۷] بایگانی‌شده در ۱۳ مارس ۲۰۱۷ توسط Wayback Machine
  • G.Gnoli, "ĒR, ĒR MAZDĒSN" in Encyclopædia Iranica






  • «Conceptualizing human variation». www.nature.com. دریافت‌شده در ۲۰۱۷-۰۱-۰۴. 'Race' and research Modern human genetic variation does not structure into phylogenetic subspecies (geographical 'races'), nor do the taxa from the most common racial classifications of classical anthropology qualify as 'races' (Box 1). The social or ethnoancestral groups of the US and Latin America are not 'races', and it has not been demonstrated that any human breeding population is sufficiently divergent to be taxonomically recognized by the standards of modern molecular systematics. These observations are not to be taken as statements against doing research on demographic groups or populations. They only support a brief for linguistic precision and careful descriptions of groups under study. Terms and labels have qualitative implications.





