MA Biermer: Eine eigenthümliche form von progressiver perniciöser anämie. Correspondenz-Blatt für Schweizer Ärzte, 1872, 2. vsk, s. 15–18. ISSN 0366-5461Artikkelin verkkoversio.
G Hayem: Recherches sur l’évolution des hématies dans le sang de l’homme et des vertébrés. Archives de physiologie normale et pathologique, 1878, 5. vsk, s. 692–734. ISSN 0150-9748Artikkelin verkkoversio.
L Lichtheim: Zur Kenntnis der perniciösen anämie. Verhandlungen des Deutschen Kongress für innere Medizin, 1887, 6. vsk, s. 84–99. ISSN 0070-4067Artikkelin verkkoversio.
W Gardner, W Osler: A case of progressive pernicious anemia (idiopathic of Addison). Canada Medical and Surgical Journal, 1877, 5. vsk, nro 9, s. 385-404. ISSN 0319-6054Artikkelin verkkoversio.
Safety and efficacy of vitamin B12 (in the form of cyanocobalamin) produced by Ensifer spp. as a feed additive for all animal species based on a dossier submitted by VITAC EEIG. EFSA Journal, 2018, 16. vsk, nro 7. doi:10.2903/j.efsa.2018.5336Artikkelin verkkoversio.[vanhentunut linkki]
NIH Intramural Sequencing Center Group, Jennifer L Sloan, Jennifer J Johnston, Irini Manoli, Randy J Chandler, Caitlin Krause: Exome sequencing identifies ACSF3 as a cause of combined malonic and methylmalonic aciduria. Nature Genetics, 2011-09, 43. vsk, nro 9, s. 883–886. PubMed:21841779doi:10.1038/ng.908ISSN 1061-4036Artikkelin verkkoversio. (englanniksi)
Monique G. M. de Sain-van der Velden, Maria van der Ham, Judith J. Jans, Gepke Visser, Hubertus C. M. T. Prinsen, Nanda M. Verhoeven-Duif: A New Approach for Fast Metabolic Diagnostics in CMAMMA. JIMD Reports, 2016, s. 15–22. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg. PubMed:26915364doi:10.1007/8904_2016_531Artikkelin verkkoversio. (englanniksi)
Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition: Daily Value on the New Nutrition and Supplement Facts Labels. FDA, 25.2.2022. Artikkelin verkkoversio. (englanniksi)
WFK Cuthbertson, JE Page: Ernest Lester Smith. 7 August 1904-6 November 1992. Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society, 1994, 40. vsk, s. 349–365. ISSN 0080-4606Artikkelin verkkoversio.
JH Jandl: Biographical memoir of William B. Castle. National Academy of Sciences, 1995. Artikkelin verkkoversio.
NIH Intramural Sequencing Center Group, Jennifer L Sloan, Jennifer J Johnston, Irini Manoli, Randy J Chandler, Caitlin Krause: Exome sequencing identifies ACSF3 as a cause of combined malonic and methylmalonic aciduria. Nature Genetics, 2011-09, 43. vsk, nro 9, s. 883–886. PubMed:21841779doi:10.1038/ng.908ISSN 1061-4036Artikkelin verkkoversio. (englanniksi)
C Paul, DM Brady: Comparative bioavailability and utilization of particular forms of B12 supplements with potential to mitigate B12-related genetic polymorphisms. Integrative Medicine: A Clinician's Journal, 2017, 16. vsk, nro 1, s. 42–49. PubMed:28223907ISSN 1546-993XArtikkelin verkkoversio.
NIH Intramural Sequencing Center Group, Jennifer L Sloan, Jennifer J Johnston, Irini Manoli, Randy J Chandler, Caitlin Krause: Exome sequencing identifies ACSF3 as a cause of combined malonic and methylmalonic aciduria. Nature Genetics, 2011-09, 43. vsk, nro 9, s. 883–886. PubMed:21841779doi:10.1038/ng.908ISSN 1061-4036Artikkelin verkkoversio. (englanniksi)
Monique G. M. de Sain-van der Velden, Maria van der Ham, Judith J. Jans, Gepke Visser, Hubertus C. M. T. Prinsen, Nanda M. Verhoeven-Duif: A New Approach for Fast Metabolic Diagnostics in CMAMMA. JIMD Reports, 2016, s. 15–22. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg. PubMed:26915364doi:10.1007/8904_2016_531Artikkelin verkkoversio. (englanniksi)
WB Castle: The Ætiological relationship of achylia gastrica to pernicious anæmia. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Medicine, heinäkuu 1929, 22. vsk, nro 9, s. 1214–1216. PubMed:19987070ISSN 0035-9157Artikkelin verkkoversio.
C Paul, DM Brady: Comparative bioavailability and utilization of particular forms of B12 supplements with potential to mitigate B12-related genetic polymorphisms. Integrative Medicine: A Clinician's Journal, 2017, 16. vsk, nro 1, s. 42–49. PubMed:28223907ISSN 1546-993XArtikkelin verkkoversio.
WB Castle: The Ætiological relationship of achylia gastrica to pernicious anæmia. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Medicine, heinäkuu 1929, 22. vsk, nro 9, s. 1214–1216. PubMed:19987070ISSN 0035-9157Artikkelin verkkoversio.
P Erlich: Über regeneration und degeneration der rothen blutscheiben bei anämien. Berliner klinische Wochenschrift, 1880, 17. vsk, nro 23, s. 405. ISSN 0366-0974Artikkelin verkkoversio. (Arkistoitu – Internet Archive)
R. N. Sally M. Pacholok: Vitamin B12 Deficiency: Serious Consequences. Pharmacy Times, 13.12.2013, 79. vsk. Artikkelin verkkoversio. (englanniksi)
R. N. Sally M. Pacholok: Vitamin B12 Deficiency: Serious Consequences. Pharmacy Times, 13.12.2013, 79. vsk. Artikkelin verkkoversio. (englanniksi)
Monique G. M. de Sain-van der Velden, Maria van der Ham, Judith J. Jans, Gepke Visser, Hubertus C. M. T. Prinsen, Nanda M. Verhoeven-Duif: A New Approach for Fast Metabolic Diagnostics in CMAMMA. JIMD Reports, 2016, s. 15–22. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg. PubMed:26915364doi:10.1007/8904_2016_531Artikkelin verkkoversio. (englanniksi)
L Valsta et al: Ravitsemus Suomessa - FinRavinto 2017 -tutkimus, s. 61, 108. Terveyden ja hyvinvoinnin laitos, 2018. ISBN 9789523432383Teoksen verkkoversio.
P Erlich: Über regeneration und degeneration der rothen blutscheiben bei anämien. Berliner klinische Wochenschrift, 1880, 17. vsk, nro 23, s. 405. ISSN 0366-0974Artikkelin verkkoversio. (Arkistoitu – Internet Archive)
Safety and efficacy of vitamin B12 (in the form of cyanocobalamin) produced by Ensifer spp. as a feed additive for all animal species based on a dossier submitted by VITAC EEIG. EFSA Journal, 2018, 16. vsk, nro 7. doi:10.2903/j.efsa.2018.5336Artikkelin verkkoversio.[vanhentunut linkki]
M Eggersdorfer et al: ”Vitamins”, Ullmann's Encyclopedia of Industrial Chemistry, s. 103–110. American Cancer Society, 2000. ISBN 9783527306732Teoksen verkkoversio.
C Paul, DM Brady: Comparative bioavailability and utilization of particular forms of B12 supplements with potential to mitigate B12-related genetic polymorphisms. Integrative Medicine: A Clinician's Journal, 2017, 16. vsk, nro 1, s. 42–49. PubMed:28223907ISSN 1546-993XArtikkelin verkkoversio.
NIH Intramural Sequencing Center Group, Jennifer L Sloan, Jennifer J Johnston, Irini Manoli, Randy J Chandler, Caitlin Krause: Exome sequencing identifies ACSF3 as a cause of combined malonic and methylmalonic aciduria. Nature Genetics, 2011-09, 43. vsk, nro 9, s. 883–886. PubMed:21841779doi:10.1038/ng.908ISSN 1061-4036Artikkelin verkkoversio. (englanniksi)
MA Biermer: Eine eigenthümliche form von progressiver perniciöser anämie. Correspondenz-Blatt für Schweizer Ärzte, 1872, 2. vsk, s. 15–18. ISSN 0366-5461Artikkelin verkkoversio.
W Gardner, W Osler: A case of progressive pernicious anemia (idiopathic of Addison). Canada Medical and Surgical Journal, 1877, 5. vsk, nro 9, s. 385-404. ISSN 0319-6054Artikkelin verkkoversio.
G Hayem: Recherches sur l’évolution des hématies dans le sang de l’homme et des vertébrés. Archives de physiologie normale et pathologique, 1878, 5. vsk, s. 692–734. ISSN 0150-9748Artikkelin verkkoversio.
P Erlich: Über regeneration und degeneration der rothen blutscheiben bei anämien. Berliner klinische Wochenschrift, 1880, 17. vsk, nro 23, s. 405. ISSN 0366-0974Artikkelin verkkoversio. (Arkistoitu – Internet Archive)
L Lichtheim: Zur Kenntnis der perniciösen anämie. Verhandlungen des Deutschen Kongress für innere Medizin, 1887, 6. vsk, s. 84–99. ISSN 0070-4067Artikkelin verkkoversio.
WB Castle: The Ætiological relationship of achylia gastrica to pernicious anæmia. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Medicine, heinäkuu 1929, 22. vsk, nro 9, s. 1214–1216. PubMed:19987070ISSN 0035-9157Artikkelin verkkoversio.
WFK Cuthbertson, JE Page: Ernest Lester Smith. 7 August 1904-6 November 1992. Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society, 1994, 40. vsk, s. 349–365. ISSN 0080-4606Artikkelin verkkoversio.