Cissukupuolisuus (Finnish Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Cissukupuolisuus" in Finnish language version.

Global rank Finnish rank
1st place
1st place
low place
262nd place
2nd place
10th place
low place
2,969th place
low place
2,992nd place
low place
3,805th place
207th place
1,082nd place
low place
5,625th place
low place
433rd place
380th place
2nd place

  • Aultman, B: Cisgender. Transgender Studies Quarterly, 2014, 1. vsk, nro 1–2, s. 61–62. Duke University Press. doi:10.1215/23289252-2399614. Artikkelin verkkoversio (pdf). Viitattu 27.3.2017. (englanniksi)
  • Bauer, Greta R. et al.: ‘‘I Don’t Think This Is Theoretical; This Is Our Lives’’: How Erasure Impacts Health Care for Transgender People. (Tiedeartikkeli määritteli ensi kertaa cisnormativisuuden: ”Cisnormativity describes the expectation that all people are cissexual, that those assigned male at birth always grow up to be men and those assigned female at birth always grow up to be women.”) JOURNAL OF THE ASSOCIATION OF NURSES IN AIDS CARE, syyskuu 2009, 20. vsk, nro 5, s. 348–361. Association of Nurses in AIDS Care. doi:10.1016/j.jana.2009.07.004. Artikkelin verkkoversio (pdf). Viitattu 27.3.2017. (englanniksi)

  • Bauer, Greta R. et al.: ‘‘I Don’t Think This Is Theoretical; This Is Our Lives’’: How Erasure Impacts Health Care for Transgender People. (Tiedeartikkeli määritteli ensi kertaa cisnormativisuuden: ”Cisnormativity describes the expectation that all people are cissexual, that those assigned male at birth always grow up to be men and those assigned female at birth always grow up to be women.”) JOURNAL OF THE ASSOCIATION OF NURSES IN AIDS CARE, syyskuu 2009, 20. vsk, nro 5, s. 348–361. Association of Nurses in AIDS Care. doi:10.1016/j.jana.2009.07.004. Artikkelin verkkoversio (pdf). Viitattu 27.3.2017. (englanniksi)

  • Yli-Räisänen, Heli: Cis Oy Ab (Lehtiartikkeli, jossa käytetään käsitettä.) Voima. 26.12.2016. Voima Kustannus Oy. Viitattu 27.3.2017.