Disdrometri (Finnish Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Disdrometri" in Finnish language version.

Global rank Finnish rank
2nd place
10th place



  • Löffler-Mang, Martin; Joss, Jürg: An Optical Disdrometer for Measuring Size and Velocity of Hydrometeors. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, helmikuu 2000, 17. vsk, nro 2, s. 130-139. doi:10.1175/1520-0426(2000)017<0130:AODFMS>2.0.CO;2 (englanniksi)
  • Barthazy, E.; Göke, S.; Schefold, R.; Högl, D.: An Optical Array Instrument for Shape and Fall Velocity Measurements of Hydrometeors. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 2004, 21. vsk, nro 9, s. 1400-1416. doi:10.1175/1520-0426(2004)021<1400:AOAIFS>2.0.CO;2 (englanniksi)
  • Pettersen, Claire; Bliven, Larry F.; von Lerber, Annakaisa; Wood, Norman B.; Kulie, Mark S.; Mateling, Marian E.; Moisseev, Dmitri N.; Munchak, S. Joseph; Petersen, Walter A.; Wolff, David B.: The Precipitation Imaging Package: Assessment of Microphysical and Bulk Characteristics of Snow. Atmosphere, 2020, 11. vsk, nro 8, s. 785. doi:10.3390/atmos11080785 (englanniksi)