Hieromasauva (Finnish Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Hieromasauva" in Finnish language version.

Global rank Finnish rank
1st place
1st place
1,078th place
4th place
166th place
969th place
856th place
5,029th place
low place
low place
low place
low place
low place
low place
low place
low place
low place
low place
low place
low place
low place
low place
low place
low place


  • Amanda Holloway: The Facts on Phthalates and Sex Toys (If a toy has a chemical smell to it, or if it smells a little like perfume, it has probably been made with phthalates. If the packaging or description of the toy contains the words "jelly," "gel," or "rubber" it probably contains phthalates. Clear or translucent toys are more likely to contain phthalates.) edenfantasys.com. (englanniksi)


  • bex: How safe is your sex toy? (A new report released today by our Dutch office reveals that the plastics used to construct a wide range of sex toys contain very high concentrations of hazardous phlalates, toxic chemical softeners used in PVC to make it soft and flexible.) 8.9.2006. Greenpeace UK. Viitattu 29.10.2010. (englanniksi)


  • Gertz, Emily: Ever thought about the toxins in your sex toys? (Many popular erotic toys are made of polyvinyl chlorides (PVC) -- plastics long decried by eco-activists for the toxins released during their manufacture and disposal -- and softened with phthalates, a controversial family of chemicals.) 6.12.2005. Grist. Viitattu 29.10.2010. (englanniksi)


  • "Myrkkydildot" huolettavat Saksassa (Monet dildot ja muut seksilelut, kuten vibraattorit ja anustapit, sisältävät suuria määriä ftalaatteja, muita syöpää aiheuttavia aineita ja myrkyllisiä materiaaleja, edustajat kirjoittavat. Ftalaatit ovat muovien pehmentämisessä käytettyjä yhdisteitä, joista osan epäillään aiheuttavan muun muassa hedelmättömyyttä, diabetesta ja ylipainoisuutta.) Iltalehti. 4.7.2011. Viitattu 4.7.2011.
  • Tussukka ja vegedildo - tee itse helpot seksilelut iltalehti.fi. Viitattu 1.5.2018.


  • Liberman, Hallie; Schatzerg, Eric: A Failure of Academic Quality Control: The Technology of Orgasm. Journal of Positive Sexuality, August 2018, 4. vsk, nro 2, s. 24-47. Artikkelin verkkoversio. Viitattu 4.9.2018.







  • Blue, Violet: Not all butt plugs should glow in the dark (Some materials stank more than others; certain "lifelike" or "cyber" materials smelled like wet asphalt.) 8.11.2007. SFGate.com. Viitattu 29.10.2010. (englanniksi)



  • Taormino, Tristan: Dangerous Dildos, Part 1 (Because phthalate-spiked PVC is not a stable inert compound, these toys continually leach phthalates, which can cause a nasty odor, a greasy film, and genital irritation (like the burning sensation in my ass?).) 30.1.2007. The Village Voice. Arkistoitu 26.3.2010. Viitattu 29.10.2010. (englanniksi)
