Jane C. Quinn, Allan Kessell, Leslie A. Weston: Secondary Plant Products Causing Photosensitization in Grazing Herbivores: Their Structure, Activity and Regulation. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 21.1.2014, 15. vsk, nro 1, s. 1441–1465. PubMed:24451131doi:10.3390/ijms15011441ISSN 1422-0067Artikkelin verkkoversio.
Mikheev, A. & Gagnidze, R.: Heracleum mantegazzianumIUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2016.1. 2013. International Union for Conservation of Nature, IUCN, Iucnredlist.org. Viitattu 15.8.2016. (englanniksi)
Jane C. Quinn, Allan Kessell, Leslie A. Weston: Secondary Plant Products Causing Photosensitization in Grazing Herbivores: Their Structure, Activity and Regulation. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 21.1.2014, 15. vsk, nro 1, s. 1441–1465. PubMed:24451131doi:10.3390/ijms15011441ISSN 1422-0067Artikkelin verkkoversio.
Jane C. Quinn, Allan Kessell, Leslie A. Weston: Secondary Plant Products Causing Photosensitization in Grazing Herbivores: Their Structure, Activity and Regulation. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 21.1.2014, 15. vsk, nro 1, s. 1441–1465. PubMed:24451131doi:10.3390/ijms15011441ISSN 1422-0067Artikkelin verkkoversio.
Jane C. Quinn, Allan Kessell, Leslie A. Weston: Secondary Plant Products Causing Photosensitization in Grazing Herbivores: Their Structure, Activity and Regulation. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 21.1.2014, 15. vsk, nro 1, s. 1441–1465. PubMed:24451131doi:10.3390/ijms15011441ISSN 1422-0067Artikkelin verkkoversio.