Osman, Ahmed: Jesus in the House of the Pharaohs: The Essene Revelations on the Historical Jesus. Simon and Schuster, 2004. ISBN 1-59143-878-0Teoksen verkkoversio. (englanniksi) Gardner, Laurence: Genesis of the Grail Kings: The Pendragon Legacy of Adam and Eve. Bantam Press. ISBN 9780593044308Teoksen verkkoversio. Rush, John A.: The Twelve Gates: A Spiritual Passage Through the Egyptian Books of the Dead. Frog Books. ISBN 9781583941751Teoksen verkkoversio.
Gardiner, Philip: Gateways to the Otherworld: The Secrets Beyond the Final Journey, from the Egyptian Underworld to the Gates in the Sky: Easyread Super Large 18pt Edition. Määritä julkaisija!ISBN 9781442960992Teoksen verkkoversio.
Ifie, Egbe: Papers in Honour of Professor Dapo Adelugba at 60. End-Time Publishing House, Indiana University. ISBN 9789782163004Teoksen verkkoversio. (englanniksi)
Elleh, Nnamdi: African Architecture: Evolution and Transformation. McGraw-Hill, the University of Michigan, 1997. ISBN 9780070215061Teoksen verkkoversio.
Grudem, Wayne A.: ”The Person Of Christ”, Systematic Theology: An Introduction to Biblical Doctrine, s. 529. Zondervan, 1994. ISBN 0-310-28670-0Teoksen verkkoversio.