Naisten koulutus teknistieteellisillä aloilla (Finnish Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Naisten koulutus teknistieteellisillä aloilla" in Finnish language version.

Global rank Finnish rank
2nd place
10th place
4th place
12th place
4,784th place
8,444th place
274th place
418th place
104th place
98th place
1st place
1st place
20th place
29th place
low place
low place
507th place
559th place
485th place
642nd place
1,220th place
1,734th place
26th place
312th place
low place
low place
993rd place
755th place

  • Su, R. & Rounds, J. & & Armstrong, P. I.: Men and things, women and people: A meta-analysis of sex differences in interests. Psychological Bulletin, 2009, 135. vsk, nro 6, s. 859–884. PubMed:19883140 doi:10.1037/a0017364 Artikkelin verkkoversio. Viitattu 30.4.2019. (englanniksi)

  • Spearman, Juliette & Watt, Helen M. G.: Perception shapes experience: The influence of actual and perceived classroom environment dimensions on girls’ motivations for science. Learning Environments Research, 2013, 16. vsk, nro 2, s. 217–238. doi:10.1007/s10984-013-9129-7 Artikkelin verkkoversio. Viitattu 30.4.2019. (englanniksi)
  • Kolmos, Anette & Mejlgaard, Niels & Haase, Sanne & Egelund Holgaard, Jette: Motivational factors, gender and engineering education. European Journal of Engineering Education, 2013, 38. vsk, nro 3. doi:10.1080/03043797.2013.794198 Artikkelin verkkoversio. Viitattu 30.4.2019. (englanniksi)
  • McDaniel, Anne: The Role of Cultural Contexts in Explaining Cross-National Gender Gaps in STEM Expectations. European Sociological Review, 2016, 32. vsk, nro 1. doi:10.1093/esr/jcv078 Artikkelin verkkoversio. Viitattu 30.4.2019. (englanniksi)
  • Su, R. & Rounds, J. & & Armstrong, P. I.: Men and things, women and people: A meta-analysis of sex differences in interests. Psychological Bulletin, 2009, 135. vsk, nro 6, s. 859–884. PubMed:19883140 doi:10.1037/a0017364 Artikkelin verkkoversio. Viitattu 30.4.2019. (englanniksi)
  • Beilock, Sian L. & Gunderson, Elizabeth A. & Ramirez, Gerardo & Levine, Susan C.: Female teachers’ math anxiety affects girls’ math achievement. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), 2010, 107. vsk, nro 5. PubMed:20133834 doi:10.1073/pnas.0910967107 JSTOR:40536499 (englanniksi)
  • Stoet, Gijsbert Stoet & Geary, David C.: The Gender-Equality Paradox in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Education. Psychological Science, 2018, 29. vsk, nro 4, s. 581–593. PubMed:29442575 doi:10.1177/0956797617741719 Artikkelin verkkoversio. Viitattu 30.4.2019. (englanniksi)

  • The ICT sector is booming. But are women missing out? Määritä julkaisu!19 April 2018. Artikkelin verkkoversio. Viitattu 27 August 2018.

  • Beilock, Sian L. & Gunderson, Elizabeth A. & Ramirez, Gerardo & Levine, Susan C.: Female teachers’ math anxiety affects girls’ math achievement. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), 2010, 107. vsk, nro 5. PubMed:20133834 doi:10.1073/pnas.0910967107 JSTOR:40536499 (englanniksi)

  • Su, R. & Rounds, J. & & Armstrong, P. I.: Men and things, women and people: A meta-analysis of sex differences in interests. Psychological Bulletin, 2009, 135. vsk, nro 6, s. 859–884. PubMed:19883140 doi:10.1037/a0017364 Artikkelin verkkoversio. Viitattu 30.4.2019. (englanniksi)
  • Beilock, Sian L. & Gunderson, Elizabeth A. & Ramirez, Gerardo & Levine, Susan C.: Female teachers’ math anxiety affects girls’ math achievement. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), 2010, 107. vsk, nro 5. PubMed:20133834 doi:10.1073/pnas.0910967107 JSTOR:40536499 (englanniksi)
  • Stoet, Gijsbert Stoet & Geary, David C.: The Gender-Equality Paradox in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Education. Psychological Science, 2018, 29. vsk, nro 4, s. 581–593. PubMed:29442575 doi:10.1177/0956797617741719 Artikkelin verkkoversio. Viitattu 30.4.2019. (englanniksi)

  • McDaniel, Anne: The Role of Cultural Contexts in Explaining Cross-National Gender Gaps in STEM Expectations. European Sociological Review, 2016, 32. vsk, nro 1. doi:10.1093/esr/jcv078 Artikkelin verkkoversio. Viitattu 30.4.2019. (englanniksi)

  • Countries with greater gender equality have a lower percentage of female STEM graduates: Findings could help refine education efforts and policies geared toward girls and science, technology, engineering and mathematics. ScienceDaily, Määritä ajankohta! Artikkelin verkkoversio. (englanniksi)

  • Spearman, Juliette & Watt, Helen M. G.: Perception shapes experience: The influence of actual and perceived classroom environment dimensions on girls’ motivations for science. Learning Environments Research, 2013, 16. vsk, nro 2, s. 217–238. doi:10.1007/s10984-013-9129-7 Artikkelin verkkoversio. Viitattu 30.4.2019. (englanniksi)
  • Beasley, M. & Fischer, Mary J.: Why they leave: the impact of stereotype threat on the attrition of women and minorities from science, math and engineering majors. Social Psychology of Education, 23.6.2012, 15. vsk, nro 4, s. 427–448. Artikkelin verkkoversio. (englanniksi)

  • Kolmos, Anette & Mejlgaard, Niels & Haase, Sanne & Egelund Holgaard, Jette: Motivational factors, gender and engineering education. European Journal of Engineering Education, 2013, 38. vsk, nro 3. doi:10.1080/03043797.2013.794198 Artikkelin verkkoversio. Viitattu 30.4.2019. (englanniksi)