Stephen Howes & Sherman Surandiran: Nauru: riches to rags to richesDevpolicyBlog. 12.4.2021. Development Policy Centre, Australian National University. Viitattu 6.9.2023. (englanniksi)
Memorial of the Republic of Nauru (s. 19–20) International Court of Justice Certain Phosphate Lands in Nauru (Nauru v Australia). 1990. Arkistoitu 30.11.2012. Viitattu 8.11.2011.
Nauru (Arkistoitu – Internet Archive) BBC Weather Country Guides
Nauru (Arkistoitu – Internet Archive) BBC Weather Country Guides
Memorial of the Republic of Nauru (s. 19–20) International Court of Justice Certain Phosphate Lands in Nauru (Nauru v Australia). 1990. Arkistoitu 30.11.2012. Viitattu 8.11.2011.