Beuscher, Dave: Atari Lynx ("One drawback to the Lynx system is its power consumption. It requires 6 AA batteries, which allow four to five hours of game play. The Nintendo Game Boy provides close to 35 hours use before new batteries are necessary.") AllGame. Arkistoitu 19.6.2009. Viitattu 1.4.2010. (englanniksi)
Sega Mega Drive/Genesis ("The Mega Drive was still supported up until 1998 in Europe where it outsold all other consoles, even the Sega Saturn.") Console Database. Base Media. Arkistoitu 16.10.2007. Viitattu 3.4.2010. (englanniksi)
Sutherland, Kenny: Elusions: Final Fantasy 64 ("As a result of using a lot of motion data + CG effects and in still images, it turned out to be a mega capacity game, and therefore we had to choose CD-ROM as our media.") Lost Levels. Viitattu 3.4.2010. (englanniksi)
Street, Jim: Mailbag: Where will Morse play? ("The Baseball Club of Seattle, L.P., assumed control of the Mariners on July 1, 1992, upon approval of the Major League owners. The majority owner was Hiroshi Yamauchi (Nintendo founder)--") MLB. Arkistoitu 26.6.2009. Viitattu 3.4.2010. (englanniksi)
Donkey Kong (Donkey Kong) MobyGames. Arkistoitu 11.1.2010. Viitattu 2.4.2010. (englanniksi)
Ultra Software Corporation ("Ultra Games was a subsidiary publishing label of Konami, established because Nintendo of America used to limit third party publishers to a maximum of five NES titles per year. It's European equivilant is Palcom Software.") MobyGames. Viitattu 2.4.2010. (englanniksi)
Satoshi Tajiri. (englanniksi) Luettu 28. elokuuta 2006
Virtual Boy Profile ("In the US, the machine hardly sold at all and it would never release in Europe.") N-Sider. Arkistoitu 3.3.2016. Viitattu 3.4.2010. (englanniksi)
History Of Nintendo: N64 ("Nintendo renamed it Nintendo 64, allegedly because of hassle from Konami which had a division called Ultra Games--") Official Nintendo Magazine. Viitattu 3.4.2010. (englanniksi)
Beuscher, Dave: Atari Lynx ("One drawback to the Lynx system is its power consumption. It requires 6 AA batteries, which allow four to five hours of game play. The Nintendo Game Boy provides close to 35 hours use before new batteries are necessary.") AllGame. Arkistoitu 19.6.2009. Viitattu 1.4.2010. (englanniksi)
Sega Mega Drive/Genesis ("The Mega Drive was still supported up until 1998 in Europe where it outsold all other consoles, even the Sega Saturn.") Console Database. Base Media. Arkistoitu 16.10.2007. Viitattu 3.4.2010. (englanniksi)
Street, Jim: Mailbag: Where will Morse play? ("The Baseball Club of Seattle, L.P., assumed control of the Mariners on July 1, 1992, upon approval of the Major League owners. The majority owner was Hiroshi Yamauchi (Nintendo founder)--") MLB. Arkistoitu 26.6.2009. Viitattu 3.4.2010. (englanniksi)
Virtual Boy Profile ("In the US, the machine hardly sold at all and it would never release in Europe.") N-Sider. Arkistoitu 3.3.2016. Viitattu 3.4.2010. (englanniksi)