Megan Elliot: When Will Season 3 of 'Ozark' Be on Netflix? (... reported that they would arrive sometime before the end of 2019, though it’s possible we might have to wait until 2020. Season 3 will have 10 episodes, with the first two directed by Bateman.) 24.8.2019. Arkistoitu 27.8.2019. Viitattu 27.8.2019.
Lehtonen, Veli-Pekka: Netflixin sarja rahanpesijöistä kuuluu vuoden parhaat -listalle – kiitos Laura Linneyn. Helsingin Sanomat, 16.1.2018. Digilehden juttu (tilaajille). Viitattu 19.5.2019.
Megan Elliot: When Will Season 3 of 'Ozark' Be on Netflix? (... reported that they would arrive sometime before the end of 2019, though it’s possible we might have to wait until 2020. Season 3 will have 10 episodes, with the first two directed by Bateman.) 24.8.2019. Arkistoitu 27.8.2019. Viitattu 27.8.2019.