Mme Campan (Jeanne-Louise-Henriette); Jean-Louise Henriette (Genest) Campan: The Private Life of Marie Antoinette: Queen of France and Navarre, s. 77–. Scrhiber, 1887. Teoksen verkkoversio.
James Alexander Arnott, John Wilson, JOseph Maginnisse: The Petit Trianon: being a reproduction of plates from a work by James A. Arnott and John Wilson, architects, of Edinburgh. The Rotch traveling scholarship envois, s. 11–. Architectural Book Pub. Co, 1913. Teoksen verkkoversio.
The Petit TrianonPalace of Versailles. 30.6.2023. Viitattu 24.6.2024. (englanniksi)
Duvernois, Christian (ill. François Halard): Trianon : le domaine privé de Marie-Antoinette. Actes Sud, 2008. S. 66. ISBN 978-2742778386)
Duvernois, Christian, Photographs by François Halard: Marie-Antoinette and the Last Garden at Versailles Rizzoli, New York 2008. ISBN-10 : 0847830683, ISBN-13 : 978-0847830688