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Daly-Engel, T.S., Baremore, I.E., Grubbs, R.D. et al.: Resurrection of the sixgill shark Hexanchus vitulus Springer & Waller, 1969 (Hexanchiformes, Hexanchidae), with comments on its distribution in the northwest Atlantic Ocean. Marine Biodiversity, 2018, nro 49, s. 759–768. doi:10.1007/s12526-018-0849-xArtikkelin verkkoversio. Viitattu 10.5.2024.
Finucci, B., Barnett, A., Cheok, J., Cotton, C.F., Kulka, D.W., Neat, F.C., Rigby, C.L., Tanaka, S. & Walker, T.I.: Hexanchus nakamuraiIUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2023-1. 2020. International Union for Conservation of Nature, IUCN, Iucnredlist.org. Viitattu 9.5.2024. (englanniksi)
Daly-Engel, T.S., Baremore, I.E., Grubbs, R.D. et al.: Resurrection of the sixgill shark Hexanchus vitulus Springer & Waller, 1969 (Hexanchiformes, Hexanchidae), with comments on its distribution in the northwest Atlantic Ocean. Marine Biodiversity, 2018, nro 49, s. 759–768. doi:10.1007/s12526-018-0849-xArtikkelin verkkoversio. Viitattu 10.5.2024.