Robert Lynch: The People's Protectors? The Irish Republican Army and the “Belfast Pogrom,” 1920–1922. Journal of British Studies, 2008/04, nro 2, s. 375–391. doi:10.1086/526757ISSN 1545-6986Artikkelin verkkoversio. (englanniksi)
Robert Lynch: The People's Protectors? The Irish Republican Army and the “Belfast Pogrom,” 1920–1922. Journal of British Studies, 2008/04, nro 2, s. 375–391. doi:10.1086/526757ISSN 1545-6986Artikkelin verkkoversio. (englanniksi)
Robert Lynch: The People's Protectors? The Irish Republican Army and the “Belfast Pogrom,” 1920–1922. Journal of British Studies, 2008/04, nro 2, s. 375–391. doi:10.1086/526757ISSN 1545-6986Artikkelin verkkoversio. (englanniksi)