ABC News 3.4.2008, haettu 19.4.2008 Five top Khmer Rouge cadres have been arrested by the court and charged with war crimes or crimes against humanity. They are "Brother Number Two" Nuon Chea, former president Khieu Samphan, former foreign minister Ieng Sary and his wife, Ieng Thirith, and Duch, head of Phnom Penh's Tuol Sleng, or "S-21" interrogation and torture centre.
BBC News 19.11.2007, haettu 19.4.2008 Under the Khmer Rouge, more than one million people died from starvation or overwork as leaders strove to create an agrarian utopia.
Cambodia – Beauty and Darkness – Bruce Sharp, haettu 19.4.2008 As of this writing (April 2005), the most commonly cited estimates of the death toll fall in the range of 1.5 to 1.7 million. The frequency with which a statistic is repeated, of course, is not an indication of its accuracy. Estimates often gain superficial credibility through repetition: a figure is put forth by one source, and is repeated without citation in another article; another commentator, searching for an accurate estimate, sees the same figure cited in two separate articles, and assumes that these two accounts have corroborated each other, and can therefore be considered reliable.
Cambodian Recent History and Contemporary Society: An Introductory Course, Judy Ledgerwood, Department of Anthropology and Center for Southeast Asian Studies Northern Illinois University, haettu 21.4.2008 With their ultra-nationalist zeal and with China’s support, the DK leaders, in David Chandler’s words, never "considered the alternatives of defeat, compromise or negotiation" (Chandler 1992:146). DK’s army launched attacks into Vietnamese territory and killed hundreds of Vietnamese civilians in an attempt to pressure the Vietnamese government to accept the DK’s border negotiation proposal. In 1977 and 1978, the Vietnamese responded with counterattacks and briefly invaded Cambodia. The DK perceived the failure of their defensive forces against this incursion as betrayal by their own Eastern Zone leaders.
Yale University: Cambodian Genocide Program – Thailand's Response to the Cambodian Genocide, haettu 20.4.2008 Finally, Hanoi, together with DK dissident forces, the United Front for the National Salvation of Kampuchea, decided to launch a massive invasion of Cambodia on 25 December 1978. Within two weeks Phnom Penh fell to the Vietnamese troops. The Hanoi-backed People’s Republic of Kampuchea (PRK) led by Heng Samrin was proclaimed on 8 January 1979.