Punasotka (Finnish Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Punasotka" in Finnish language version.

Global rank Finnish rank
88th place
7th place
7,630th place
38th place
1,670th place
16th place
9,913th place
106th place
2,179th place
871st place
68th place
51st place







  • Esko Hyvärinen, Aino Juslén, Eija Kemppainen, Annika Uddström & Ulla-Maija Liukko (toim.): Suomen lajien uhanalaisuus - Punainen kirja 2019, s. 565. Helsinki: Ympäristöministeriö - Suomen ympäristökeskus, 2019. ISBN 978-952-11-4973-3 Teoksen verkkoversio Viitattu 14.8.2021.


  • BirdLife International: Aythya ferina IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2021-1. 2019. International Union for Conservation of Nature, IUCN, Iucnredlist.org. Viitattu 8.4.2021. (englanniksi)
  • Common Pochard, Aythya ferina The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2023-1. International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources. ”The European breeding population is estimated at 89,700-151,000 pairs (179,000-302,000 mature individuals), and the wintering population is estimated at 560,000-1,020,000 individuals (373,000-679,000 mature individuals). The breeding population in the EU28 is estimated at 28,500-55,000 pairs (57,000-110,000 mature individuals) and the wintering population is estimated at 317,000-446,000 individuals (211,000-298,000 mature individuals).” Viitattu 31.1.2024. (englanniksi)
  • Common Pochard, Aythya ferina The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2023-1. 2021. International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources. ”The global population is estimated to number 760,000-790,000 mature individuals, which equates to 1.14-1.18 million individuals in total (Wetlands International 2021). Three flyways are identified, with the following population estimates: North-East/North-West Europe with 100,000 mature individuals (150,000 total); Central & NE Europe/Black Sea & Mediterranean with 350,000 mature individuals (530,000 total); Western Siberia/South-West Asia with 310,000-330,000 mature individuals (460,000-500,000 total). The European breeding population is estimated at 89,700-151,000 pairs, which equates to 179,000-302,000 mature individuals or c. 270,000-450,000 total individuals” Viitattu 31.1.2024. (englanniksi)





  • Punasotka Luontoportti.fi. Viitattu 2.6.2014.