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Alain Peurefitte: The Immobile Empire. (Teoksessa annetaan tavanomainen käsitys siitä, mitä audienssissa tapahtui) Random House, 1992. ISBN 0-394-58654-9Teoksen verkkoversio.
Michael Edmund Clarke: In the Eye of Power: China and Xinjiang Qing Conquest to the 'New Great Game' for Central Asia, 1759–2004 (väitöskirja), s. 37. Brisbane: Griffith University, Dept. of International Business & Asian Studies, 2004. Teoksen verkkoversio. (Arkistoitu – Internet Archive)
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Michael Edmund Clarke: In the Eye of Power: China and Xinjiang Qing Conquest to the 'New Great Game' for Central Asia, 1759–2004 (väitöskirja), s. 37. Brisbane: Griffith University, Dept. of International Business & Asian Studies, 2004. Teoksen verkkoversio. (Arkistoitu – Internet Archive)
Helen H. Robbins: Our First Ambassador to China: An Account of the Life of George, Earl of Macartney, with Extracts from His Letters, and the Narrative of His Experiences in China, as Told by Himself, 1737-1806, s. 386. Lontoo: John Murray, 1908. Teoksen verkkoversio. (Arkistoitu – Internet Archive)
Jonathan Spence: Portrait of an Emperor, Qianlong: Ruler, Connoisseur, Scholar. World Monuments Fund, talvi 2003–2004, s. 24–30. Artikkelin verkkoversio.