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Archived copyusers.etown.edu. Arkistoitu March 3, 2012. Viitattu 26.11.2012.Political Errors at the End of the Twentieth Century – Part I: Republican Errors By Russell Kirk . Accessed: November 26, 2012.
Archived copyusers.etown.edu. Arkistoitu March 3, 2012. Viitattu 26.11.2012.Political Errors at the End of the Twentieth Century – Part I: Republican Errors By Russell Kirk . Accessed: 26 November 2012.
Stanley, Timothy: Buchanan's Revolution: How Pitchfork Pat raised a rebellion—and why it failed. (Verkkojulkaisu) The American Conservative, 8.2.2012. The American Ideas Institute. Artikkelin verkkoversio.
Richert, Scott P.: Russell Kirk and the Negation of Ideology. (Verkkojulkaisu) Chronicles Magazine, 2004. Artikkelin verkkoversio.
Archived copyusers.etown.edu. Arkistoitu March 3, 2012. Viitattu 26.11.2012.Political Errors at the End of the Twentieth Century – Part I: Republican Errors By Russell Kirk . Accessed: November 26, 2012.
Archived copyusers.etown.edu. Arkistoitu March 3, 2012. Viitattu 26.11.2012.Political Errors at the End of the Twentieth Century – Part I: Republican Errors By Russell Kirk . Accessed: 26 November 2012.