Ronald Rainger: Knowledge, Culture, and Science in the Metropolis. The New York Academy of Sciences, 1817-1970. Simon Baatz. New York Academy of Sciences, New York, 1990. x, 269 pp., illus. Cloth or paper, $55. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, vol. 584. Science, 9.11.1990, nro 4982, s. 840–841. PubMed:17759978doi:10.1126/science.250.4982.840-aISSN 0036-8075Artikkelin verkkoversio. (englanniksi)
Ronald Rainger: Knowledge, Culture, and Science in the Metropolis. The New York Academy of Sciences, 1817-1970. Simon Baatz. New York Academy of Sciences, New York, 1990. x, 269 pp., illus. Cloth or paper, $55. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, vol. 584. Science, 9.11.1990, nro 4982, s. 840–841. PubMed:17759978doi:10.1126/science.250.4982.840-aISSN 0036-8075Artikkelin verkkoversio. (englanniksi)
Ronald Rainger: Knowledge, Culture, and Science in the Metropolis. The New York Academy of Sciences, 1817-1970. Simon Baatz. New York Academy of Sciences, New York, 1990. x, 269 pp., illus. Cloth or paper, $55. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, vol. 584. Science, 9.11.1990, nro 4982, s. 840–841. PubMed:17759978doi:10.1126/science.250.4982.840-aISSN 0036-8075Artikkelin verkkoversio. (englanniksi)
Ronald Rainger: Knowledge, Culture, and Science in the Metropolis. The New York Academy of Sciences, 1817-1970. Simon Baatz. New York Academy of Sciences, New York, 1990. x, 269 pp., illus. Cloth or paper, $55. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, vol. 584. Science, 9.11.1990, nro 4982, s. 840–841. PubMed:17759978doi:10.1126/science.250.4982.840-aISSN 0036-8075Artikkelin verkkoversio. (englanniksi)