Sohn, Kee-Wook (2003). Conservation Status of Sericulture Germplasm Resources in the World - II. Conservation Status of Silkworm (Bombyx Mori) Genetic Resources in the World, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome (Vision Review) (Arkistoitu – Internet Archive)
Tarja Latikka-Tennilä, Riitta Lehtonen: Arkistoitu 5.11.2013. Viitattu 1.11.2013.
Sohn, Kee-Wook (2003). Conservation Status of Sericulture Germplasm Resources in the World - II. Conservation Status of Silkworm (Bombyx Mori) Genetic Resources in the World, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome (Vision Review) (Arkistoitu – Internet Archive)