Gray, Theodore: Atoms and Eves : Before lava lamps and laser light, all you needed for romance was some radioactivity. Popular Science, June 2007, s. 86. Bonnier. ISSN 0161-7370Artikkelin verkkoversio. Viitattu 20.7.2017. (englanniksi)
The spinthariscope (Practical activities designed for use in the classroom with 11 to 19 year-olds.) Maaliskuu 2006. IOP Institute of Physics. Arkistoitu 24.1.2018. Viitattu 20.7.2017. (englanniksi)
The spinthariscope (Practical activities designed for use in the classroom with 11 to 19 year-olds.) Maaliskuu 2006. IOP Institute of Physics. Arkistoitu 24.1.2018. Viitattu 20.7.2017. (englanniksi)
Gray, Theodore: Atoms and Eves : Before lava lamps and laser light, all you needed for romance was some radioactivity. Popular Science, June 2007, s. 86. Bonnier. ISSN 0161-7370Artikkelin verkkoversio. Viitattu 20.7.2017. (englanniksi)