Strontiumjodidi (Finnish Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Strontiumjodidi" in Finnish language version.

Global rank Finnish rank
5,881st place
32nd place
149th place
237th place

  • L.A. Boatner, J.O. Ramey, J.A. Kolopus, R. Hawrami, W.M. Higgins, E. van Loef, J. Glodo, K.S. Shah, Emmanuel Rowe, Pijush Bhattacharya, Eugene Tupitsyn, Michael Groza, Arnold Burger, N.J. Cherepy & S.A. Payne: Bridgman growth of large SrI2:Eu2+ single crystals: A high-performance scintillator for radiation detection applications. Journal of Crystal Growth, 2013, 379. vsk, s. 63-68. Artikkelin verkkoversio. Viitattu 18.11.2021. (englanniksi)