William M. Haynes, David R. Lide, Thomas J. Bruno: CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, s. 4–92. (39th Edition) CRC Press, 2012. ISBN 978-1439880494Kirja Googlen teoshaussa Viitattu 18.11.2021. (englanniksi)
Richard C. Ropp: Encyclopedia of the Alkaline Earth Compounds, s. 59–60, 62. Newnes, 2012. ISBN 9780444595539Kirja Googlen teoshaussa Viitattu 18.11.2021. (englanniksi)
L.A. Boatner, J.O. Ramey, J.A. Kolopus, R. Hawrami, W.M. Higgins, E. van Loef, J. Glodo, K.S. Shah, Emmanuel Rowe, Pijush Bhattacharya, Eugene Tupitsyn, Michael Groza, Arnold Burger, N.J. Cherepy & S.A. Payne: Bridgman growth of large SrI2:Eu2+ single crystals: A high-performance scintillator for radiation detection applications. Journal of Crystal Growth, 2013, 379. vsk, s. 63-68. Artikkelin verkkoversio. Viitattu 18.11.2021. (englanniksi)