The Impact of Regulatory Costs on Small Firms (Arkistoitu – Internet Archive), W. Mark Crain, Office of Advocacy,, September 2005, pdf page 2: "small businesses continue to bear a disproportionate share of the federal regulatory burden. The findings are consistent with those in Hopkins (1995) and Crain and Hopkins (2001). The research finds that the cost of federal regulations totals $1.1 trillion; the cost per employee for firms with fewer than 20 employees is $7,647" and the table on the page.
The Impact of Regulatory Costs on Small Firms (Arkistoitu – Internet Archive), W. Mark Crain, Office of Advocacy,, September 2005, pdf page 2: "small businesses continue to bear a disproportionate share of the federal regulatory burden. The findings are consistent with those in Hopkins (1995) and Crain and Hopkins (2001). The research finds that the cost of federal regulations totals $1.1 trillion; the cost per employee for firms with fewer than 20 employees is $7,647" and the table on the page.
Alejandro A. Chafuen ja Eugenio Guzmán: ECONOMIC FREEDOM AND CORRUPTION (Kaavio 3.1, sivu 56. Kolmen taloudellisen vapauden indeksin keskiarvon selitysaste (R2) maailman maiden korruptiolle (Transparency Internationalin mittaama korruptioaste) on 71 %, vaikka indekseistä oli poistettu korruptioon liittyvät tekijät.) Heritage.