Yahtzee Croshaw: The Last of Us Part II – Zero Punctuation (Huom! Lähteenä ei ole sivuston video, vaan kyseisen videon käsikirjoitus, joka löytyy videon alta "TRANSCRIPT" tekstin alapuolelta.) Escapistmagazine. 1.7.2020. Yahtzee Croshaw. ”"But the most important thing is growth."
"Ellie has no character development."
"Ellie just sets out to do something shitty and remains a shitty person."” (englanti)lähde tarkemmin?
Maddy Myers: The Last of Us Part 2 depicts the future, yet it fails to escape its own past.Polygon. 12.6.2020. Maddy Myers. ”That is the game’s central problem, and what makes so much of it such a challenge to get through: This is a story about characters who seem unable to learn or grow, and more specifically, unable to consider the humanity of the people they kill. If you already think violence isn’t the answer to many of the world’s problems, the repeated lesson that killing is bad makes the game almost maddening.” (englanti)