Dr.Matthew Tull, « PTSD and Emotional Avoidance », About.com Health's Disease and Condition content is reviewed by the Medical Review Board (consulté le )
LI Pearlin et C Schooler, « The structure of coping », Journal of Health and Social Behavior, vol. 19, no 1, , p. 2–21 (PMID649936, DOI10.2307/2136319, JSTOR2136319)
Quyen Q. Tiet, Craig Rosen, Steven Cavella, Rudolf H. Moos, John W. Finney et Jerome Yesavage, « Coping, symptoms, and functioning outcomes of patients with post-traumatic stress disorder », Journal of Traumatic Stress, vol. 19, no 6, , p. 799–811 (PMID17195979, DOI10.1002/jts.20185)
Andrew G. Billings et Rudolf H. Moos, « The role of coping responses and social resources in attenuating the stress of life events », Journal of Behavioral Medicine, vol. 4, no 2, , p. 139–57 (PMID7321033, DOI10.1007/BF00844267)
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LI Pearlin et C Schooler, « The structure of coping », Journal of Health and Social Behavior, vol. 19, no 1, , p. 2–21 (PMID649936, DOI10.2307/2136319, JSTOR2136319)
LI Pearlin et C Schooler, « The structure of coping », Journal of Health and Social Behavior, vol. 19, no 1, , p. 2–21 (PMID649936, DOI10.2307/2136319, JSTOR2136319)
Quyen Q. Tiet, Craig Rosen, Steven Cavella, Rudolf H. Moos, John W. Finney et Jerome Yesavage, « Coping, symptoms, and functioning outcomes of patients with post-traumatic stress disorder », Journal of Traumatic Stress, vol. 19, no 6, , p. 799–811 (PMID17195979, DOI10.1002/jts.20185)
Andrew G. Billings et Rudolf H. Moos, « The role of coping responses and social resources in attenuating the stress of life events », Journal of Behavioral Medicine, vol. 4, no 2, , p. 139–57 (PMID7321033, DOI10.1007/BF00844267)
« L’évitement vous fera vous sentir encore plus mal », Nos Pensées, (lire en ligne)
C Carver, Scheier, M et Weintraub, J, « Assessing coping strategies: a theoretically based approach », Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, vol. 56, no 2, , p. 267–283 (DOI10.1037/0022-3514.56.2.267, CiteSeerx10.1.1.1022.750)
(en) Elizabeth Scott, « Avoidance Coping and Why It Creates Additional Stress », Verywell Mind, (lire en ligne)