(en) Tracy M. Becker, Ellen S. Howell, Michael C. Nolan, Christopher Magri, Petr Pravec, Patrick A. Taylor, Julian Oey, David Higgins, Jozef Világi, Leonard Kornos, Adrián Galád, Stefan Gajdos, Ninel M. Gaftonyuk, Yurij N. Krugly, Igor E. Molotov, Michael D. Hicks, Albino Carbognani, Brian D. Warner, Frederic Vachier, Franck Marchis et Joseph T. Pollock, « Physical modeling of triple near-Earth Asteroid (153591) 2001 SN263 from radar and optical light curve observations », Icarus, vol. 248, , p. 499–515 (DOI10.1016/j.icarus.2014.10.048, Bibcode2015Icar..248..499B, lire en ligne, consulté le )
(en) Tracy M. Becker, Ellen S. Howell, Michael C. Nolan, Christopher Magri, Petr Pravec, Patrick A. Taylor, Julian Oey, David Higgins, Jozef Világi, Leonard Kornos, Adrián Galád, Stefan Gajdos, Ninel M. Gaftonyuk, Yurij N. Krugly, Igor E. Molotov, Michael D. Hicks, Albino Carbognani, Brian D. Warner, Frederic Vachier, Franck Marchis et Joseph T. Pollock, « Physical modeling of triple near-Earth Asteroid (153591) 2001 SN263 from radar and optical light curve observations », Icarus, vol. 248, , p. 499–515 (DOI10.1016/j.icarus.2014.10.048, Bibcode2015Icar..248..499B, lire en ligne, consulté le )
(en) Tracy M. Becker, Ellen S. Howell, Michael C. Nolan, Christopher Magri, Petr Pravec, Patrick A. Taylor, Julian Oey, David Higgins, Jozef Világi, Leonard Kornos, Adrián Galád, Stefan Gajdos, Ninel M. Gaftonyuk, Yurij N. Krugly, Igor E. Molotov, Michael D. Hicks, Albino Carbognani, Brian D. Warner, Frederic Vachier, Franck Marchis et Joseph T. Pollock, « Physical modeling of triple near-Earth Asteroid (153591) 2001 SN263 from radar and optical light curve observations », Icarus, vol. 248, , p. 499–515 (DOI10.1016/j.icarus.2014.10.048, Bibcode2015Icar..248..499B, lire en ligne, consulté le )