Guillem Anglada-Escudé, Pamela Arriagada, Mikko Tuomi, Mathias Zechmeister, James S. Jenkins, Aviv Ofir, Stefan Dreizler, Enrico Gerlach, Chris J. Marvin, Ansgar Reiners, Sandra V. Jeffers, R. Paul Butler, Steven S. Vogt, Pedro J. Amado, Cristina Rodríguez-López, Zaira M. Berdiñas, Julian Morin, Jeff D. Crane, Stephen A. Shectman, Ian B. Thompson, Matías Díaz, Eugenio Rivera, Luis F. Sarmiento et Hugh R. A. Jones, « Two planets around Kapteyn's star : a cold and a temperate super-Earth orbiting the nearest halo red-dwarf », Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society: Letters, vol. 443, no 1, , L89–L93 (DOI10.1093/mnrasl/slu076, lire en ligne)
Shin Ozawa, Masaaki Miyahara, Eiji Ohtani, Olga N. Koroleva, Yoshinori Ito, Konstantin D. Litasov et Nikolay P. Pokhilenko, « Jadeite in Chelyabinsk meteorite and the nature of an impact event on its parent body », Scientific Reports, no 4, , p. 5033 (DOI10.1038/srep05033, lire en ligne)
Guillem Anglada-Escudé, Pamela Arriagada, Mikko Tuomi, Mathias Zechmeister, James S. Jenkins, Aviv Ofir, Stefan Dreizler, Enrico Gerlach, Chris J. Marvin, Ansgar Reiners, Sandra V. Jeffers, R. Paul Butler, Steven S. Vogt, Pedro J. Amado, Cristina Rodríguez-López, Zaira M. Berdiñas, Julian Morin, Jeff D. Crane, Stephen A. Shectman, Ian B. Thompson, Matías Díaz, Eugenio Rivera, Luis F. Sarmiento et Hugh R. A. Jones, « Two planets around Kapteyn's star : a cold and a temperate super-Earth orbiting the nearest halo red-dwarf », Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society: Letters, vol. 443, no 1, , L89–L93 (DOI10.1093/mnrasl/slu076, lire en ligne)
Shin Ozawa, Masaaki Miyahara, Eiji Ohtani, Olga N. Koroleva, Yoshinori Ito, Konstantin D. Litasov et Nikolay P. Pokhilenko, « Jadeite in Chelyabinsk meteorite and the nature of an impact event on its parent body », Scientific Reports, no 4, , p. 5033 (DOI10.1038/srep05033, lire en ligne)