Uni chief told off for Anglicisms, sur connexionfrance.com, : « Sciences Po director Richard Descoings, who replies in English to letters in French from the French lycée in Madrid, has won the 2009 Carpette Anglaise (literally “English doormat award”). [...] Carpette spokesman Marc Favre d’Echallens said: “Mr Descoings seems to think English is the international language, so as Spain is not in France he must write in English to them.” He was also criticised for enforcing teaching in English in some courses at the top politics and social sciences school. »
(en) Uni chief told off for Anglicisms, sur le site connexionfrance.com, 1er janvier 2010 : « Ecology Minister Jean-Louis Borloo got a “special foreign prize” for signing up to an EU renewable energy scheme which will only use English as its working language. »