(en) Yueh-Ying Han, Ada O. Youk, Howell Sasser et Evelyn O. Talbott, « Cancer incidence among residents of the Three Mile Island accident area: 1982–1995 », Environmental Research, vol. 111, no 8, , p. 1230-1235 (ISSN0013-9351, DOI10.1016/j.envres.2011.08.005, résumé, lire en ligne [html]) : « Increased cancer risks from low-level radiation exposure within the TMI cohort were small and mostly statistically non-significant. However, additional follow-up on this population is warranted, especially to explore the increased risk of leukemia found in men. »
(en) Yueh-Ying Han, Ada O. Youk, Howell Sasser et Evelyn O. Talbott, « Cancer incidence among residents of the Three Mile Island accident area: 1982–1995 », Environmental Research, vol. 111, no 8, , p. 1230-1235 (ISSN0013-9351, DOI10.1016/j.envres.2011.08.005, résumé, lire en ligne [html]) : « Increased cancer risks from low-level radiation exposure within the TMI cohort were small and mostly statistically non-significant. However, additional follow-up on this population is warranted, especially to explore the increased risk of leukemia found in men. »
« Cancer rates after the Three Mile Island nuclear accident and proximity of residence to the plant », American Journal of Public Health, 8 janvier 1991, 81, p. 719-724 : « In an analysis examining cancer rates and residential proximity to the Three Mile Island nuclear plant, we observed a modest postaccident increase in cancer near TMI that is unlikely to be explained by radiation emissions. (…) The most plausible alternative explanation is that improved surveillance of cancer near the TMI plant led to the observed increase. »]
(en) « In Baby Teeth, a Test of Fallout; A Long-Shot Search for Nuclear Peril in Molars and Cuspids », The New York Times : « The group's work is, to say the very least, controversial. Though members of the group have published a handful of articles in peer-reviewed journals, including Archives of Environmental Health, their credibility with the scientific establishment hovers near zero. Detractors say they obsess over amounts of radiation that are insignificant compared with the dose humans receive each day from cosmic rays, soil and other natural sources. »
(en) Neerav Goyal, MD, MPH ; Fabian Camacho, MS, MA ; Joseph Mangano, MPH, MBA ; David Goldenberg, MD, FACS : Thyroid Cancer Characteristics in the Population Surrounding Three Mile Island : « Although the TMI area shows a higher incidence of thyroid cancer as compared to the rest of the state, this was not statistically significant. Conclusions: The TMI population showed a higher proportion of papillary thyroid cancer and less aggressive pathology and earlier diagnosis compared to the rest of Pennsylvania. No statistically significant difference in thyroid cancer incidence was noted. Overall, the study does not show a clear link with more advanced thyroid cancer and proximity to the TMI nuclear reactors » ; et « Although low-dose radiation has been linked to increased thyroid cancer incidence in children, our data do not support a similar link among the TMI cohort », The Laryngoscope, 27 février 2012.
(en) Yueh-Ying Han, Ada O. Youk, Howell Sasser et Evelyn O. Talbott, « Cancer incidence among residents of the Three Mile Island accident area: 1982–1995 », Environmental Research, vol. 111, no 8, , p. 1230-1235 (ISSN0013-9351, DOI10.1016/j.envres.2011.08.005, résumé, lire en ligne [html]) : « Increased cancer risks from low-level radiation exposure within the TMI cohort were small and mostly statistically non-significant. However, additional follow-up on this population is warranted, especially to explore the increased risk of leukemia found in men. »