(en) « U.S. Treasury Escalates Sanctions on Russia for Its Atrocities in Ukraine » [archive du ], sur U.S. Department of the Treasury (consulté le ) : « Alexander Dmitrievich Beglov (Beglov) is a member of Russia’s Security Council and Governor of Saint Petersburg. Beglov’s gubernatorial election was marred by accusations of voter fraud and intimidation, and he is known to have ties to sanctioned Russian elites Yevgeniy Prigozhin and Yuri Kovalchuk. Beglov has also been sanctioned by Canada and the UK. »
(ru) Russie. « Указ Президента Российской Федерации от 20.12.2004 года №1579 "О присвоении квалификационных разрядов федеральным государственным служащим Администрации Президента Российской Федерации" » [lire en ligne (page consultée le 30 avril 2023)]
(en) « U.S. Treasury Escalates Sanctions on Russia for Its Atrocities in Ukraine » [archive du ], sur U.S. Department of the Treasury (consulté le ) : « Alexander Dmitrievich Beglov (Beglov) is a member of Russia’s Security Council and Governor of Saint Petersburg. Beglov’s gubernatorial election was marred by accusations of voter fraud and intimidation, and he is known to have ties to sanctioned Russian elites Yevgeniy Prigozhin and Yuri Kovalchuk. Beglov has also been sanctioned by Canada and the UK. »