(en) Denis Lynn, The Ciliated Protozoa: Characterization, Classification, and Guide to the Literature, Springer Science & Business Media (3e édition), (ISBN978-1-4020-8239-9, lire en ligne)
(en) J. O. Corliss, « A Salute to Fifty-Four Great Microscopists of the Past: A Pictorial Footnote to the History of Protozoology. Part II », Transactions of the American Microscopical Society, Wiley, vol. 98, no 1, , p. 26-58 (ISSN0003-0023 et 2325-5145, PMID377752).
(en) J. O. Corliss, « A Salute to Fifty-Four Great Microscopists of the Past: A Pictorial Footnote to the History of Protozoology. Part II », Transactions of the American Microscopical Society, Wiley, vol. 98, no 1, , p. 26-58 (ISSN0003-0023 et 2325-5145, PMID377752).
(en) Wilhelm Foissner, « Life and Legacy of an Outstanding Ciliate Taxonomist, Alfred Kahl (1877-1946), Including a Facsimile of his Forgotten Monograph from 1943 », Acta Protozoologica, vol. 43, 2004 (suppl.), p. 1-69 (lire en ligne [PDF], consulté le )
(en) J. O. Corliss, « A Salute to Fifty-Four Great Microscopists of the Past: A Pictorial Footnote to the History of Protozoology. Part II », Transactions of the American Microscopical Society, Wiley, vol. 98, no 1, , p. 26-58 (ISSN0003-0023 et 2325-5145, PMID377752).