(en) Dr. Judith Reisman, « Kinsey Sex And Fraud » [PDF], sur drjudithreisman.com.
(en) Sex, science, and Kinsey: a conversation with Dr John Bancroft - head of the Kinsey Institute for Research in Sex, Gender, and Reproduction - Interview, par Gary Pool, in Humanist, Sept-Oct 1996 [12] "Dr Bancroft admits without hesitation that the man who provided the data for tables 31 through 34 undoubtedly sexually exploited the children whose behavior was chronicled. « The question is, » Bancroft continued, « why was Kinsey not totally open about his man being the only source for those tables? »(...)
« Obsédé par ce qui se passait dans le lit des croyants, c’est le christianisme qui a, de façon paradoxale, inauguré une connaissance sexologique fort pointilleuse. (...) Pratiques solitaires, manuelles, buccales, positions coïtales, pénétration dans «le vase» (le vagin) ou l’anus, masturbation féminine consolatrice après un rapport non satisfaisant, excès sexuel, etc., tout avait été catalogué par les casuistes, à tel point que l’Église se gaussa du Rapport Kinsey, proclamant qu’elle «savait déjà tout». », Gérard Zwang, La Sexologie : Domaine, Difficultés, Nécessité, page 11, publications Aihus, [8]
Introduction to Social Work and Social Welfare: Empowering People By Charles Zastrow page 227 Prior to the 20th century, there were practically no scientific studies of sexuality. Since about 1900 the work of four social scientists has had profound effects on our understanding of human sexuality: Sigmund Freud, Alfred Kinsey, and the team of William Masters and Virginia Johnson. [1]
Alfred C. Kinsey: A Life Par James H. Jones page 4: «Privately, Kinsey had always been more than a fact-finder He was a social reformer, a man who waged with fanatical consistency his own private war against sexual repression and hypocrisy. Always he had been sustained by the belief that he would win. Once people learned the facts about human sexual behavior, he reasoned, they would jettison guilt and embrace their sexuality with abandonment and joy.» [2]
(en) Introduction to Social Work and Social Welfare: Empowering People By Charles Zastrow page 228 « Kinsey's findings were widely publicized by the mass media. For the first time, society was confronted with the wide gaps that existed between sexual mores and sexual practices. Kinsey's studies may have led people to become freer in their sexual behavior or at least to feel less guilt sexual behavior that was inconsistent with traditional sexual mores.» [4]
Kinsey, Sexual Behavior in the Human Male, pages 647-657 : « Males do not represent two discrete populations, heterosexual and homosexual... Only the human mind invents categories and tries to force facts into pigeonholes. The living world is a continuum with individuals in the population not occupying only the seven categories which are recognized here...a seven point scale comes nearer to showing the many graduations that actualy exist »[6]
Sexual Behavior in the Human Male, Alfred Kinsey, Wardell Pomeroy, Clyde Martin, page 25 [11]
(en) David Allyn, Make Love, Not War: The Sexual Revolution, an Unfettered History Par page 17 [18]
Alfred C. Kinsey: A Life par James H. Jones page 331: « Kinsey supported contraception… his discussions with students had revealed a crying need…many young people were woefully ignorant about contraception…» [26]
Disorders of Desire: Sexuality and Gender in Modern American Sexology par Janice M. Irvine, page 37 « An ideological precursor: Kinsey blazed a trail for the later sex researchers, Masters and Johnson.» [27]
Human Sexual Response, William Masters Virginia Johnson, page 3 « Kinsey and co-workers published a monumental compilation of statistics reflecting patterns of sexual behavior in this country from 1938 to 1952. These reports of human sexual practices obtained by techniques of direct interrogation offer an invaluable baseline of sociologic informations»[28]
Philippe Brenot, Le sexe et l'amour», page 11, (ISBN2738112331), 9782738112330, [19]
David K. Johnson, «The Lavender Scare: The Cold War Persecution of Gays and Lesbians in the Federal Government» (ISBN978-0-226-40481-3) page 88: Revising the Kinsey report. [14]
(en) « The Reece Committee sought testimony questioning and criticizing Kinsey's work and publicized some exaggerated tales of his supposed depravity and links to communism, while not allowing witnesses who might defend Kinsey or the Institute. The Committee's report ferociously condemned his work, which made headlines across America, but a later finding that Reece had effectively authored the report alone — without a consensus of the committee — drew scant attention. The Rockefeller Foundation soon withdrew its financial support, which crippled and effectively ended Kinsey's work. »[17]
(en) « A random selection of three people would have been better than a group of 300 chosen by Mr. Kinsey. » David Leonhardt, « John Tukey, 85, Statistician; Coined the Word 'Software' », [10], nytimes.com, 28 juillet 2000
(en) Conclusion élogieuse de James H. Jones sur Kinsey : « His final assessment of his subject is positive: "He was a pioneer, an explorer who blazed the trail for those who followed. It was he who convinced most Americans that human sexual behavior could and should be studied scientifically and, just as important, that scientific data should help inform discussions of social policy." »Father of the Sexual Revolution par Richard Rhodes dans le New York Times du 2 novembre 1997.
Richard Rhodes «Father of the Sexual Revolution» NY Times 2 novembre 1997 : « Jones concludes that Kinsey was promoting a hidden agenda of sexual liberation and tries to use that conclusion to impeach his work.»[13]
{en} « When Dean Rusk assumed the direction of the Rockefeller Foundation in 1952, Kinsey was soon cut off. Homophobic McCarthyism put the fear of God into the brave Eastern Establishment, but men of the ruling generation thought public discussion of sex beyond the pale in any case.... his institute moved to a lower profile and barely survived, though Kinsey's successors were able in time to rescue it » Father of the Sexual Revolution, By RICHARD RHODES, New York Times, November 2, 1997
James H. Jones, interview pour NEW RIVER MEDIA : « If Kinsey taught us anything, it's that human sexuality has a continuum of behavior, and people locate themselves at different points on the continuum.»[7]
{en} Le macarthysme et l’homophobie, NEW RIVER MEDIA INTERVIEW WITH: JAMES H. JONES, Author of Kinsey: A Life : « The male volume comes out in 1948, the female volume comes out in 1953. Sandwiched between those years is the rise of McCarthyism, and McCarthyism had many facets, but one of the facets that Kinsey found personally most distressing was the attack on gays in the State Department and elsewhere, and the creation of a national hysteria on gays in American society.»[20]
Enquête du sénateur McCartyste B. Carroll Reece sur les relations supposées entre Kinsey et le Parti communiste [21]
{en} Sous la pression du comité Reece, Rusk coupe les vivres à Kinsey : January 1954: The press reports that Kinsey and the Rockefeller Foundation have become a target of the Reece Committee. Foundation president Dean Rusk pulls the plug on Kinsey's research grant.[24]
(en) « Citing Kinsey, the American Law Institute publishes its Model Penal Code, with no ban against consensual, adult homosexual and anal sex. Many states adopt the model code, effectively legalizing homosexual and anal sex.»[25]
{en} Sous la pression du comité Reece, Rusk coupe les vivres à Kinsey: so it makes sense that Rusk chose to "drop Kinsey" within a few days of media reports that had "identified Kinsey as a possible target" of the Reece Committee's planned investigation. Kinsey-Sex And The Rockefeller Foundation by Michael Barker [23]
« Alfred's brush with pleasure », timeshighereducation.co.uk, Times Higher Education Supplement, (lire en ligne)
« Alfred's brush with pleasure: « Over the years gossip has had it that there was more to Kinsey than the self-promoted image of the dispassionate scientist.» », timeshighereducation.co.uk, Times Higher Education Supplement, (lire en ligne)
«Over the years gossip has had it that there was more to Kinsey than the self-promoted image of the dispassionate scientist. Such rumours have now been substantiated down to the last toothbrush.»« Alfred's brush with pleasure », timeshighereducation.co.uk, Times Higher Education Supplement, (lire en ligne)
« Alfred's brush with pleasure: «McCarthystes who accused him of launching a communist plot to destroy the family» », timeshighereducation.co.uk, Times Higher Education Supplement, (lire en ligne)
(en) Interview pour University of Chicago Press de David K. Johnson, auteur de The Lavender Scare: The Cold War Persecution of Gays and Lesbians in the Federal Government[15]
Au sujet du film de Condon : « How quaint it seems now that, during his lifetime, journalists who came knocking for Kinsey saw only a ho-hum professor of zoology, happily married, with no apparent axe to grind. As a contemporary Look magazine article read, “Today on the campus of a Midwest university, a soft-spoken, keen-eyed man is quietly at work—producing a social atom bomb.” But then again, maybe those reporters were on to something: The research was far more interesting than the man. His surveys, not his sex life, produced a social explosion. »« The Joy of Sexology » , Christina Larson, Washington monthly, décembre 2004
(en) « Shortly after the first book's release, an influential review in The New York Times called for revising state sodomy laws in accordance with Kinsey's data that such acts were not altogether uncommon.»The Joy of Sexology, Washington monthly, Christina Larson, 2004